  • 學位論文


An Evaluation Method for Demolition Scheduling of Un-permitted Building After 2011 in Taichung

指導教授 : 林建元


台灣都市地區違章建築隨處可見,不僅違反建築管制規定、土地使用管制規定、牽涉公共安全,也影響市容觀瞻,故有「都市之瘤」之稱。政府對於違章建築之處理模式除涉有公共安全之違章建築一律應即排程拆除外,實務上以違章建築興建之時間點作為區隔,將其分為強制拆除及列管緩拆兩類。雖然如此,違章建築仍然不斷增加,對於新違建之拆除亟需擬定一套客觀合理的排序評估作業辦法。 本研究以臺中市為研究對象,分析其違章建築管理作業之現況,了解制度面設計之問題及實務執行面之困難,並藉由深度訪談取得行政執行單位、民意代表及中央督導單位三方對於違章建築之看法,結果顯示各方均認為應訂定違章建築排序作業辦法之必要。本研究採多指標評分方式,建立排序評估模式。主要成果如下: 1.臺中市近三年查報新違章建築數量達8,357件,其中施工中違章建築數為1,290件,占新違章建築數之15,44%,平均拆除率約23.90%。新違章建築之違建類型則以騎樓違建最多,其次為法定空地增建及屋頂或露臺違建。 2. 專家問卷分析顯示,違建拆除評估四大面向中,以公共安全重要性最高,其次為公共交通、市容景觀及公共衛生。而評估指標群中,則以公共集會類之頂樓逃生避難平台及住宅區、商業區設置危險物品類場所為前三名,顯示影響大眾生活安全範圍愈直接愈嚴重之違建,大都主張應優先拆除。 3.參考問卷調查結果,本研究據以設計「臺中市新違章建築拆除標準作業辦法」,並以「都市地區拆除新違章建築之社會效益最大化」為目標,研擬評估架構,可作為新違章建築拆除排序之依據。經個案模擬,證實具有可操作性。 4.違章建築之增加在於民眾心存僥倖,故遏阻新違章建築之增加首要在於轉變民眾違章建築不查不罰的觀念,除強制拆除外,本研究建議未來應納入罰款機制,緩拆者亦應付出一定的社會成本,所得若能成為違建拆除基金循環運用,或可對違建管理發生較為積極的遏止作用。


The un-permitted buildings exist in urban areas in Taiwan almost everywhere. They not only violate building law control regulations, land use control regulations, but also affect the public safety and landscape of cities. By law, un-permitted buildings violating public safety have to be demolished immediately. Otherwise, they can be demolished later. As a result, an objective and reasonable evaluation system for the scheduling of un-permitted buildings is critically needed. In this study, taking Taichung City as the research target, the status of illegal construction management operations is analyzed. By means of in-depth interviews, various factors for consideration of scheduling are identified and applied to develop an demolition evaluation system for newly added un-permitted buildings. Major research findings are summarized as follows: 1. 8,357 new un-permitted buildings have been reported in the past three years in Taichung. Among which, constructing-buildings were accounted for 15.44% of the total and the removal rate was about 23.90%. 2. According to interviews with experts, among the four evaluation dimensions for demolishing un-permitted buildings, it is found that public safety is widely considered as the most important factor and violation buildings should be demolished on the priority, and then followed by public transportation, cityscape and public health. 3. A set of evaluation factors and operation procedures for demolition scheduling are designed and proposed in this research. Through simulation, they are proved capable for operation. 4. Violators of un-permitted buildings are skeptical in their decision. In order to effectively control the construction of new un-permitted buildings, other penalty programs should be developed to supplement the existing demolition policy. By the collection of penalty fines, hopefully, more adequate funds will be available for the future active management of un-permitted buildings.


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15.曾鵬光、 江哲銘、陳肇堯(2010)。<違章建築現象分類與其對外部環境衝擊之研究-以臺南市為例> 。《住宅學報》,第19卷第2期,頁59-80。
