  • 學位論文


Sight Translation as a Teaching Activity for Collocation Learning

指導教授 : 張嘉倩


英語學習者通常難以掌握搭配詞的使用,因為第一和第二語言的不同常造成 混淆導致錯誤的用法。過往研究建議教學納入語言比較與翻譯活動可以提升學習 者對語言差異的意識,並且加強搭配詞記憶。視譯為翻譯與口譯的結合,或許有 助於搭配詞的學習。此外,視譯活動提供學習者口說練習的機會,或許也有助於 提升學習者口說使用搭配詞的能力。因此,本研究旨在探究視譯運用於搭配詞教 學與提升口說使用搭配詞能力的成效。 本研究採用準實驗、前後測的設計與質性資料蒐集的方法。實驗對象為台灣 一所頂尖大學兩班大一英文課的學生,視譯組共 37 人,全英文組共 27 人。研究 者挑選出三十個目標搭配詞,平均分配到三週不同主題的教學,並各有獨立的後 測。每次教學實驗組的活動包括:被動閱讀搭配詞文章、附有中文提示的填空練 習、使用投影片的目標搭配詞介紹與語言比較的講課、視譯練習以及口說練習活 動。全英文組以填空練習取代視譯練習,其餘所有活動內容與類型都與視譯組相 同,但是不包括中文。 針對第一個研究問題:視譯是否有助於搭配詞學習,每週教學後受試者皆需 做十題填空題的筆試測驗,而三週筆試的平均分數視為受試者的整體表現。結果 顯示視譯組的平均分數略高於全英文組,但是獨立樣本 t 檢定的結果兩組的平均 分並沒有顯著差異。 針對第二個研究問題:視譯是否有助於口說搭配詞的使用,每週教學後受試 者皆需回答兩題口試問題(自由回答與看圖描述)。與筆試相同,三週口試兩題 的分數分別算出平均分作為受試者的整體表現依據。自由回答題視譯組的平均分 略低於全英文組;看圖描述題視譯組則高於全英文組。不過,二因子變異數分析 顯示兩組的口說表現並沒有顯著差異。 口筆試的錯誤分析和後測問卷結果皆顯示中文翻譯有助於強化記憶,而視譯 練習能提供造句練習。教學者也能夠透過視譯練習更容易準備搭配詞字組擷取 (form-retrieval)、造句與口說練習。


The use of collocations is often considered to be a skill difficult for EFL learners to master, since differences between L1 and L2 often create confusion leading to errors in output. Studies have investigated incorporating language comparisons and translation tasks into teaching to raise learners’ awareness of language differences and reinforce memorization of collocations. Sight translation, a combination of translation and interpreting, might be conducive to the learning of collocations. Furthermore, since sight translation activities enable learners to give oral productions, they might help learners better use collocations in speaking. Thus, this study aimed at investigating the effectiveness of ST as a teaching activity to facilitate collocation learning and the use of collocations in speaking. The study adopted a quasi-experiment pretest-posttest design and methods of qualitative data collection. Two Freshman English classes at a top Taiwanese university participated in the experiment with 37 participants in the sight translation (ST) group and 27 in the English-only (EO) group. A total of 30 target collocations were selected and evenly divided into three workshops on different topics with independent posttests. The ST group received the following activities in each workshop: a collocation article, a fill-in-the-blank exercise with Chinese hints, introduction of target items and language comparisons with lecture slides, a sight translation exercise and a speaking activity. The EO group received a fill-in-the-blank exercise in compensation for the sight translation exercise in the ST group. While Chinese input were excluded from all activities for the EO group, the content and types of activities remained the same as the ST group. With regard to the first research question whether sight translation is effective in facilitating collocation learning, a written test with 10 fill-in-the-blank questions was conducted after each workshop. The average score of all three written tests served as an indicator of a participant’s overall performance. The ST group slightly outperformed the EO group. Yet, the result of an independent t-test showed no significant difference between the mean scores of the two groups. With regard to the second research question whether sight translation is effective in facilitating the use of collocations in speaking, an oral test with two questions (one free talk and one picture question) was administered after each workshop. Similar to the written test, average scores of the free talk questions and picture questions were considered to be a participant’s overall performance over the three workshops. While the ST group slightly underperformed in the free talk question, it outperformed the EO group in the picture question. The result of a two-way mixed ANOVA test showed no significant difference between the two groups. Error analyses of written and oral posttest results and post-study questionnaire results both suggested that Chinese input is conducive to memory reinforcement, and that sight translation exercise enables sentence-making practice without the burden of conjuring up ideas. Instructors might also find it easier to prepare form-retrieval, sentence-making, and speaking practices with sight translation exercises.


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