  • 學位論文


Fundamental sensing issues on EMF-based sensorless drive

指導教授 : 李綱
共同指導教授 : 楊士進




This research provides a series of approaches on extending the utilizable speed region for non-salient motor position sensorless drives. Key position sensing issues casuing the degradation on controllability have been analyzed at both low-speed and high-speed. To substantially conquer voltage-source inverter nonlinearities, a high-bandwidth PWM voltage measurement technique has been developed. It can be applied to increase the low-speed EMF estimation accuracy. Furthermore, in order to improve the insufficient stiffness of EMF-based drive at low-speed, a modified voltage-model flux-based position estimation is proposed. For high-speed sensorless operation, a novel discretized estimation is derived to enhance the stability and dynamic response for the controller with low-sampling point condition. Each algorithm has been compared with existing solutions to ensure the improvement on position sensorless drives. These algorithms are capable to integrate into a single scheme to extend operating region of surface permanent magent (PM) machine drives. More importantly, all proposed methods can be realized in practical way with reasonable cost.


PMSM Sensorless control Back-EMF estimation


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