  • 學位論文


Multicriteria Evaluation of Site Selection for Smart City Demonstration Projects

指導教授 : 林建元


中文摘要 人們對於理想城市的定義與想像,可追溯於英國花園城市之起源,經過一百多年的發展,學術界對於理想城市的期待與規劃提出更多的名稱,智慧城市即為最新提出的名稱之一。自99年至今,許多國家紛紛提出智慧城市示範計畫,利用網路通訊科技與雲端技術,以降低環境衝擊及民眾需求為出發點,針對社區或城市從環境永續發展及人文服務提出全面性完整的解決方案,政府結合民間業界推動整合性計畫,部分已成功的落實執行。 對於國內政府補助智慧城市示範計畫之推動方式,本研究認為示範場域的遴選評估機制值得改進,尤其透過國外相關文獻與案例分析顯示,示範計畫應優先考慮「最具潛力成為智慧化社區」的條件。本研究之目的在透過多準則評估方法之運用,建立一套智慧城市示範計畫之評估模式,以評選出各種智慧城市示範場域之潛力,期能達到政府財務資源分配之合理性。 本研究首先透過文獻回顧初擬評估指標架構,取用一些國際智慧城市評估指標相關文獻的質性因素,以求多準則評估之內涵能更加反映示範場域之發展潛力,同時據此與國內示範場域遴選辦法比較差異,期待所建立多準則評估模式能彌補其差異,促使智慧城市示範成果能帶給當代城市發展之潛在貢獻。 本研究所提出之多準則評估架構,需要二個階段的作業。經由第一階段德爾菲法篩選評估指標的重要性,再以第二階段層級分析法建立評估指標權重分析等研究調查後,得以確立智慧城市示範計畫之多準則評估模式。此外,本研究進一步模擬評估模式之實際運用,以台電智慧社區、雲林科技大學校區、台中文化創意園區及高雄市哈瑪星暨亞洲新灣區等場域範圍,模擬評估一年期的成果分析與建議,用以檢測本研究所建構智慧城市示範計畫之多準則評估模式是否具可行性,期許提供檢討分析之結果,可提供國內未來推動智慧城市補助計畫之決策參考。


ABSTRACT Definition and imagination of an ideal city can be traced back to the origin of garden city in UK about 100 years ago. Since then, many different names and topics have been proposed and smart city is the one most recently proposed. Starting from 2000, more and more countries have developed various demonstration projects for the promotion of smart city in order to provide total solution for the promotion of sustainable development and social welfare. In fact, some of them have been successfully carried out. In Taiwan, it is argued that the current mechanism of government subsidy for the demonstration projects of smart city need be improved. Through extensive literature review, it is concluded that the site selection of demonstration projects should cnsider “development potential of smart city” as the first priority. The purpose of this study is develop an evaluation framework based on multi-criteria evaluation methods so that demonstration sites can be appropriately identified. First of all, evaluation framework is developed through extensive literature review, and then evaluation criteria are identified through review of smart city projects implemented in Europe. Moreover, the difference between the proposed evaluation framework and the current system is analyzed. Hopefully, the proposed model can be more helpful. The operation process of the proposed evaluation framework is composed of two steps. Firstly, evaluation criteria are identified through the application of Delphi method, then, weights of each evaluation criteria are derived through the application of AHP evaluation method. Furthermore, in this research, capability of the proposed evaluation model is tested by simulation applications. Four demonstration sites are simulated, they are: Taipower Smart Community, Yinlin Technology University campus, Taichung Creative Cultural Park, and Asian New Bay Area in Kaohsiung, It is expected that the research findings in this thesis can be helpful to the future decision for the demo site selection of smart city.


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