  • 學位論文


The Experience of Bathing in Public Hot Spring Houses as the Reduction and Reflection of Ordinary Relationships

指導教授 : 畢恆達


這是關於一個素常社會關係被打斷時的挖掘與還原的過程。筆者期待在這個裸體洗浴互動情境的擷取中,透過現象學本質直觀的方式,試圖還原一向理所當然的社會互動關係,而肉身正是其沈澱的處所。當浴池中解除了部分沈澱在即將褪去的衣物上互動規則與教養,女人的身體在曾經社會中接受綿密的著裝建議,在公共浴池中卻顯得無所適從,在素常的生活秩序之外,失去了互動的參照座標。這個身體態度的中斷,就作為反思與窺探理所當然的衣著社會的起點。這個龐大的系統始終不是獨我的產物,衣著的合宜時、地、式是集體的共識,人們仰仗這共識中的秩序不加反思地生活著,當這一秩序首先在浴池中受到裸體的挑戰與干擾時,羞恥就於焉而生。因而從羞恥看到社會,也看到社會中的單一個體如何藉由他者認可自己的行動道德,一個互為主體性的繁瑣過程的結果,這個「應該如何在什麼場合出現」的概念,是在一個系列與不斷的運動中完成,它是形塑中的過程。 透過民族誌的深入觀察,本研究發現在洗浴過程中,身體徘徊在穿與脫之間的角色穩定到不穩定,以及想像完美女體到見識真實的、生命歷練的差異身體,去除了身份地位的身體來到浴池歷經的是一個無所適從的混亂。在浴池中的規矩、動作、謠言刻畫女人們對於我群洗浴的想像,也揭露權力以及運作於背後的信任基礎,而女人在流動話語、謠言、動作的學習等互動中,蘊生一種我群的集體感,而這個集體感在經過儀式互動的運轉之下,眾多的個體開始有了象徵的連結。另外藉由動作的模仿以及對於他者身心狀態的想像,女人也在一系列的動作中「仿製」他者的自如,進而獲致一種新的身體態度。在這些連結中調停了上述不穩定的身體態度,赤裸的女體主體在公共浴池中亦有所紮定。女性在當中解除長期以來對他者的想像,重新在自我與他者中形成一套混血的道德,衣著與赤裸的,並行於這些女性主體中,使她們成其原來所不是的。對於她者觀點的澄清,也同時形塑總是在他者觀點下的自我。


This thesis aimed at the process of the excavation and reduction of the broken-off ordinary social relationship caused by nudity. The interactive bathing situation was seized by seeing of the essence to restore the social interactive relationships to the original state. Several public hot spring bathing houses were chosen as the field of this ethnography. As these women took off their clothes, what followed the naked body was a quite common mental status, embarrassment. There seemed to be a gap between "who she is" and "who should she be". We’re seldom naked in front of others. Nudity was ruled out by receiving careful suggestions from the others to set the dress code by situation. This showed that the social rules were carried out by corporal bodies. The rules and taboos operated as body attitude were constructed along the interaction of self and others, more specifically, it’s a model of intersubjectivity. Thus the body attitude wasn’t fixed from the very beginning at all, it promised a change itself. Through this ethnographic study, in-depth interviews and phenomenological description, the desired composition and body status that shaped the sites told a story of an isolated “me” becoming an united “us” through interactive rituals. Genuine naked bodies also deleted the fake idea of elder body and the idea of other body was better than the lousiest me. As she realized the imaginative sight from others, what triggered off the embarrassment became no harm and this gave her a chance to doubt what they used to believe others to be and herself, who’s always under the definition of others.


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