  • 學位論文

雙重邊緣化: 東莞手工腐竹的日常實作與官民「非遺化」治理

Dual Marginalization: The Daily Practice and the Intangible Cultural Heritage Governance of Handmade Bean-curd Sticks in Dongguan

指導教授 : 王志弘


本研究考察東莞新村手工腐竹的日常變遷與當代困境,藉此呈現相對弱勢的傳統技藝文化、現代化生產與都市文化治理策略之間的糾葛纏繞。本文意圖理解腐竹技藝作爲日常傳統與作爲「非遺」兩者,經由不同行動者力量所牽扯並顯露的張力和弔詭,以及在這種情況下的延續可能。透過腐竹和技藝人的際遇,作者揭露「非遺」的治理策略在選擇性保存和發展之餘,如何形塑和再造着傳統的邊緣處境。 作者以田野參與式觀察及深度訪談爲主要研究方法,首先呈現東莞腐竹及其製作技藝如何由盛轉衰的發展脈絡和歷史轉折。然後作者將細述新村的不同手工腐竹技藝人的日常實作,瞭解其邊緣處境和因應之道,揭開勞動中顯現的異化與傳承問題,及伴隨「非遺化」而來的轉機和競奪。最後,本文把視野轉向作爲文化治理策略的東莞「非遺」,探討實作中的公部門、文化仲介者工作者和技藝人,他們所面臨的曖昧複雜情境,以進一步凸顯腐竹技藝在「低端非遺化」過程中的斷層和缺席狀態。 原義爲保護和傳承傳統的「非遺化」實踐,在新村腐竹的案例中,成了一個把邊緣的傳統先擡高爲「非遺」,再納入/推入另一層邊緣的過程。作者力圖呈現其中的弔詭和困境:一、創新跨界的壟斷租金追求,與獨特性、真實性保存之間的矛盾,使得腐竹技藝在官方「非遺」實踐中無計可施,位居邊緣;二、形塑出一批外在於「非遺」的文化工作者和專家,並在其中佔據發展和論述的核心,逐步削弱、排擠和邊緣化着再生產文化的腐竹技藝人;三、「非遺」的運作邏輯與等級分化機制,使得最後納入「非遺」的傳統(技藝人),並不能與真正需要保護和傳承的傳統(技藝人)畫上等號,後者反而可能會被排除於制度和保護之外。 東莞新村腐竹的故事提供了「非遺」傳統的另一個敘述版本,有助於我們反思作爲文化治理手段的大規模「非遺」建設的保護成效,以及襲產研究中常遭忽略的邊緣傳統,其被擠壓的生存現實與超越邊緣的應對可能。


This thesis examines to show the entanglement among weakly and transiently traditional handicraft, modern production and urban cultural governance, based on the field analysis of handmade Bean-curd Sticks in Xincun, Dongguan. Understanding how a tradition and an intangible cultural heritage handicraft of Bean-curd Sticks can be continued and involved tension and paradox by different actors. Though the stories of Bean-curd Sticks and its craftsmen, the author reveals that the intangible cultural heritage in Dongguan shapes and recreates the traditional marginal situation, in addition to preservation and development selectively. By using participating observation and in-depth interview as the main research methods, I will illustrate four aspects in the article. Firstly, elaborates the historical transition from prosperity to decline of handmade Bean-curd Sticks. Then, describes the daily practices of craftsmen in Xincun to understand their marginal situation and solutions. Besides, the turning point and competition accompanying with intangible cultural heritage. Finally, regarding the intangible cultural heritage as a cultural governance strategy in Dongguan, describes the ambiguous and complex situation faced by the government, cultural workers and craftsmen in the low-end/ initial stage intangible cultural heritage formation, so as to highlight the marginal state of the handmade Bean-curd Sticks. It is a dual marginalization process that the case of Xincun illustrates: elevating a marginal tradition to be an intangible cultural heritage, and then incorporating/pushing it into another marginal situation. First, Xincun’s Bean-curd Sticks is in the initial stage but marginal position, due to the contradiction between pursuing monopoly rent and emphasizing on uniqueness and authenticity in preservation practice. Second, the cultural workers and experts occupy the core development discourse and gradually weaken, crowd out and marginalize ordinary craftsmen. Third, due to the operational logic and hierarchical differentiation mechanism, the tradition (and its craftsmen) included in the intangible cultural heritage program, cannot be equated with the one that really needs protection and inheritance. On the contrary, the latter may be excluded. This study provides another narrative version of intangible cultural heritage in Dongguan, which may help us reflect on the effect of intangible cultural heritage construction as a means of cultural governance, as well as the marginal tradition and its survival reality that is often neglected in research.


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