  • 學位論文


The Female and the City:On the Transformation of Urban Culture of Taipei City and Female Novelists of “New Generation” After 1990‘s

指導教授 : 梅家玲


本論文承繼女性文學、都市文學的文學脈絡,採取與「文化地理學」跨領域對話的方式討論90年代「新世代」女性小說家崛起與發展,深入女作家所處文學、文化、社會與時代背景脈絡,探討90年代以後城市變遷與文學之間的關係,以及在全球化脈絡底下的地方寫作特色。城市空間對於女性主體的影響,同時女性也可以透過對城市空間的掌握而得到解釋的權力,透過不同空間文本的解讀,理解女性與城市之間的關係。並且透過對於90年代女性作家的文本解讀,對女性議題的美學運作、婦女運動與女性文學的關係有更深入與清楚的了解。 90年代臺北城市歷經文化上整體的轉變,90年代前期城市延續著解嚴後因政治鬆綁而朝向文化多元發展,90年代中期因城市意識的興起而影響都市文化治理,也掀起了書寫城市的風潮。2000年以後受到全球化的影響,「全球」與「在地」的議題越來越受重視,城市也從內部的危機意識轉變為城市外部的全球競爭,在此背景之下,文學與文化也同時轉變。在90年代臺灣婦女運動因內部差異而開始分化,婦女團體之間因不同立場產生激烈論辯,「世代」差異在議題選擇上有所區分,90年代臺灣婦女運動與女性文學產生錯綜複雜的關係,在創作取向、文化出版機制與文化空間的交互影響中,開拓新一代女作家文學寫作面貌。在90年代以後「新世代」女作家繼往開來,呈現出多元異質的風貌。本文選擇五位女性小說家進行考察,藉由討論不同作家的創作歷程、寫作特色來看理解城市文化、女性意識對於文學書寫的影響。 接著,進入文本分析時主要從「微觀」與「鉅觀」的兩個角度切入討論,分別以「居住空間」與「城市地景」兩個方向來觀察女性小說家筆下的城市空間。第一,從「公寓�家的辯證」討論女性的主體認同與居住空間的辯證關係,在此過程當中女性達到新的對「家」的認同。第二,從「地景」角度來看女作家眼中的城市,在作品當中我們可以看到在女性的小說作品拓展了女性城市經驗的再現,同時在呈現方式也有所不同。僅管每位女作家書寫的策略與方法不同,在研究中都顯現了女作家掌握了城市經驗的特質,並且進一步地拓展出女性書寫的新面向。


In this thesis, in order to discuss how the “new-generation” female writers emerge into and develop themselves in the literary scene, the author takes up the contexts of both female and urban literatures, and uses the interdisciplinary approach of “cultural geography” to explore the literary, cultural, and social backgrounds of those writers, and to discuss how literature is related to urban transformations after the 1990s, and to situate the features of local writing in the context of globalization. While urban space influences female subjectivity, female writers gain the power of interpretation through their understanding of the city. Therefore, if we are to show the relationship between female and the city, the reading of different texts dealing with “space” will be necessary. Furthermore, by reading the works of the female novelists in the 1990s, we can achieve a deeper and better comprehension of the feminist aesthetics and the relationship between feminist movement and female literature. In the 1990s, Taipei city saw a radical cultural change: after the lifting of the martial law in the early 1990s, the city was untied from political oppressions and turned toward a multi-cultural development; then, in the middle of the 1990s, the rise of urban consciousness did not only influence the cultural governance of the city, but also formed the trends of “urban writing.” After the turn of the 21st century, with the tendency of globalization, issues of “the global” and “the local” became more and more highlighted, the problem of the city no longer arose from its interior (that is, from the awareness of its crisis), and what should be noted became its exterior: one city’s competition with another in a global context. This is the background of the transformation of literature and culture. In the 1990s, the feminist movement in Taiwan became diversified due to its members were at odds with each other, severe debates existed among female groups with different grounds, and feminists from different generations also chose different issues: therefore, the relationship between feminist movement and female literature became more complicated than ever, and the “new-generation” female writers opened up new fields of writing in the mutual influences among their own preferences of creation, cultural mechanisms of publication, and cultural spaces. Rather than just inheriting the traditions from the past, the “new-generation” female writers also found new ways to diversify their writing. The thesis is a study on five female writers: in the exploration of their process and characteristics of creation, the author hopes to gain a better understanding of how female writing is influenced by urban culture and female consciousness. In this thesis, there are both “microanalyses” and “microanalyses” of the selected text: that is, the urban spaces as represented by the female writers will be observed from the perspective of “living space” and “urban landscape.” To begin with, the dialectics between “apartment and home” will be used to discuss the dialectical relationship between female-subject identification and the residence of females. Furthermore, the “landscapes” are female writers’ representations of the city, and the attention will be paid to how the writers use their own living experience to represent the city in various ways. While the writing techniques and strategies of the writers might be different, in this thesis, it can be shown that their writings are all centered on the living experience in the city, and a new dimension of female writing is also thus created.


11. 郝譽翔,《洗》(台北:聯合文學,2000)。
39. 夏鑄九,《空間•歷史與社會》(臺北:台灣社會研究叢刊,1993)。
68. 梅家玲編,《性別論述與台灣小說》(臺北:麥田,2000)。
3. 王志弘,〈台北市文化治理的性質與轉變:1967-2002〉,《台灣社會研究季刊》第52期,2003年12月,頁121-186。
4. 王志弘,〈記憶再現體制的構作:台北市官方城市書寫之分析〉,《中外文學》第33卷第9期「都市文化治理專題」(1995年2月),頁9-51。


