  • 學位論文


The Overlapping of Firm’s Interpersonal Network and Supply Chain Network and the Relationship between Network Centrality and Firm Performance-The Case of Electronic Industry in Taiwan

指導教授 : 陳國泰


公司的社會網絡為其社會資本形成的來源之一,並對公司財務績效有所影響。公司的社會網絡型態可分兩種:人際關係網絡與協力網絡;且公司的人際關係網絡對於公司協力網絡的建立可能有所助益。此外,公司在其社會網絡中的影響力亦可能影響其財務績效。 本研究試圖探討:(1)公司的人際關係網絡是否與其協力網絡有所重疊,以及(2)公司於其協力網絡中所掌握的影響力是否會影響其財務績效。其中,本研究定義公司之人際關係網絡為集團企業關係、管理者連結、大股東連結與董監連結,另定義公司之協力網絡為供應鏈網絡。 以台灣資訊電子上市、櫃公司作為研究對象,本研究發現公司的人際關係網絡與其協力網絡間具有部份的重疊性,且不同的人際關係網絡與3-cliques供應鏈網絡間的重疊性高達約80%。此外,本研究亦發現公司於供應鏈網絡中的影響力越大,則其營業毛利越高,然而,也支出較多的營業費用;至於公司的網絡影響力與其營業利益間,本研究並未發現存有顯著關聯性。


The social network of a company constitutes one of its social capitals that could contribute to its financial performance. There are two major types of corporate social network: interpersonal network and cooperative network. Interpersonal network might facilitate the establishment of cooperative network. In addition, a firm’s power in its social network might affect its financial performance. This study attempts to investigate: (1) whether the interpersonal network of firms overlaps with their cooperative network, and (2) whether the power possesses by a firm in its cooperative network affects its financial performance. We define the interpersonal network as business group membership, management linkage, large shareholders linkage, and directorate interlock. On the other hand, we define the cooperative network as the supply chain network. By analyzing the data of publicly-listed Taiwanese information electronics companies, we find that their supply chain network partially overlaps with their interpersonal network. The degree of overlapping between various interpersonal networks and the 3-cliques supply chain network is about 80%. We also find that firms with more power in the supply chain network enjoy higher gross profit percentage; however, they incur higher operating expenses as well. We do not find a clear relationship between network power and operating income.


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