  • 學位論文


Investigations of Low Impact Development

指導教授 : 李鴻源


都市化的發展過程,地表不透水面積增加和區域排水系統建立,對地表逕流產生直接顯著之影響,使得都市積淹水問題日趨重要。近年來,內政部營建署積極推動都市規劃審議結合都市防洪,希望能藉由都市規劃的政策面與法規面措施,增加都市保水耐災的能力,而有效策略擬定則需仰賴於「水利工程」與「都市規劃」相關領域的 量化與質性研究成果,探討土地管理或工程手段策略對於都市積淹水改善效果。 本研究主要目的為利用物理模型試驗,以低衝擊開發(Low Impact Development)中各設施單元為試驗對象,量化其保水量以提供都市內水防治概念落實於都市計畫管理,以及相關都都市設計審議原則。試驗結果顯示,改良式透水鋪面(22%-45%)保水量比傳統透水磚鋪面好(7-9%);雨水花園試驗兩耳草植物(10%-37%)保水量比單株植物(6.8%-17.3%)佳;植草溝設施坡度0.5度>1度>3度;綠屋頂設施水平0度>10%>30%。並據此結果提供後續工程規劃及設計之參考。


With the progression of urbanization, the increases of impervious cover and regional sewerage system changed the runoff patterns and aggravated the floods problems in urban area. In recent years, the Construction and Planning Agency, Ministry of the Interior is propelling the strategies of urban planning and enact laws to enhance the capacity of surface infiltration and urban hazard-resilient. Effective strategy plannings are, therefore, relies on quantitative and qualitative studies that integrates hydraulic engineering and urban planning approaches to investigate the effects of these two approaches on reducing urban runoff. The main purpose of this study is the use of physical models, the use of water Low Impact Development of facilities of the retaining capacity, Quantify the effectiveness of low-impact development policy. Prevention concept to provide water to the city within the city to implement the management plan, and the related principles are urban design review. The results show, Modified Permeable Pavers (22%-45%) water retaining capacity is better than the traditional Permeable Pavers (7-9%); Rain Garden : transverse plants (10% to 37%) is better than single plant (6.8%-17.3%); Grassed Swales 0.5°>1°>3°; Green Roofs 0°>10°>30°. Accordingly the rate of subsequent numerical model results provide experimental verification of the set, and with reference to the follow-up project planning and design.


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