  • 學位論文


The intelligence storage research of the knowledge management

指導教授 : 莊淇銘


網際網路以及電子商務的盛行,使得顧客比傳統經濟模式下期望獲得更快速與高品質的諮詢服務,根據PwC Consulting 公司的調查,將近三分之一的受訪消費者認為和一間公司進行往來最重要的關鍵在於與該公司有良好的互動溝通管道,如此重要的訊息,企業不得不正視其重要性。 因此知識儲存管理推動的目的在於建立組織公司員工參與知識分享的機制與創新和集體創造的能力,動機在將散落於各處的知識加以整合創造更大的附加價值與效益。 概括而言,知識儲存管理的目的包括經驗傳承、誘發創新、降低營運成本、加快應變速度、滿足顧客需求、維持競爭優勢、組織重新定位等。創新實屬非常重要,應強調重複使用的概念,以及如何去滿足客戶、怎樣去解決問題,如何讓自己掌握競爭優勢,如此才能創造更多的經濟價值。利用知識儲存管理再加知識創新知識經濟,加以結合並擴張現存知識的能力,以在最短時間內提供客戶最佳的解決方案。 知識代表資產及財富,也是建構企業恆久競爭優勢之一環。然而,在資訊爆炸的環境中,必須有效且確實將資訊轉化成知識,才可進一步地透過知識的使用,提出顧客以及企業的雙贏策略。 因此,本研究透過所提出的知識導向的顧客關係管理的架構,針對知識的創造、獲取、管理的前置處理加強探討,希望在顧客關係管理之中導入知識管理的因子,利用最終所萃取出來的知識,應用到顧客關係的管理,回饋顧客群,提供顧客快速且高質感的服務,藉以維持顧客的忠誠度以及吸引新的客源,提升企業的競爭優勢,創造企業的財富,確保企業的利基市場。


Internet and E-Commerce of widely accepted, than the traditional economic mode make the customer descend to expect to acquire sooner and soon and high-quality consultation service, according to the inquisition of the company of PwC Consulting, nearly 1/3 is visited consumer to think to carry on the most important key of contacts to lie in having good interaction with that company to communicate piping with a company, thus important message, the enterprise have to face its importance. So the knowledge store management the purpose of promotion to lie in establishment to organize the employee of the company to participate the mechanism of the knowledge sharing and the ability of the innovation and collective creation, the motive is everywhere willing be scattered in of the knowledge take in to integrate to create larger additional value and benefit. Generalize and talk, the purpose of management of the knowledge store includes experience to spread to accept, induct innovation, reduces an operating cost, speeds contingency speed, satisfies a customer need, maintains competitive advantage, organizes to relocate...etc. The innovation is in really count for much, should emphasize the concept of repetition usage, and how go to satisfy customer, how resolve a problem, how let oneself control competitive advantage, thus can create more economy value. Make use of a knowledge store's management to add again the knowledge creative knowledge-based economy, take in to combine and extend the ability of existing knowledge to provide the customer with the best solution in most a short time. The knowledge represents property and wealth, also is to construct one wreath of the enterprise endurable competitive advantage. However , have to effectively and really convert information in the information the explosion of the environment knowledge, just can the further is through the usage of knowledge, the double which puts forward customer and enterprise wins strategy. Therefore, this research leads to through the knowledge put forward of the structure of management of the customer relation, aim at the creation of knowledge and obtain, manage of ago place a processing to strengthen a study, hope to duct into knowledge a management in the customer the relation the management of factor, make use of final knowledge extracted, apply to the management of customer relation, give something back to a customer base, provide customer the service of the fast and high texture, by with maintenance customer of loyalty and attract a new customer, promote the competitive advantage of enterprise, create the wealth of enterprise, insure the rich market of enterprise.


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1. Employee Knowledge Sharing Capabilities in Public & Private Organizations: Does Organizational Context Matter?
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/HICSS.2005.234
2. Contract quality management decision support system: a knowledge sharing model
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