  • 學位論文


An Analysis on Competitiveness of East Asian Export

指導教授 : 吳秀玲


出口是東亞經濟發展最大的推升動力,但由於東亞地區生產的貨品相似,為保持相對出口優勢,往往採取低匯率的政策利於出口,因此本研究所要探討的問題是:究竟東亞各國所擔心的匯率升值將導致東亞九國出口競爭力下滑的憂慮是事實呢?還是國外需求的成長或其他因素才是決定實質出口成長的更重要關鍵? 本研究之主要目的是由東亞各國出口相似性之角度出發,以各國之主要出口競爭產業為主,探討匯率、比較利益、產業垂直分工及產品多樣性等因素在東亞各國出口競爭力變動中所扮演的重要性,並討論影響東亞各國出口競爭力的關鍵因素。 本文將以1997-2003年東亞九國包括台灣、中國、韓國、香港、新加坡、泰國、馬來西亞、印尼、菲律賓等之產業別資料來進行分析,並分別比較各國各產業在美國及歐洲兩大市場的競爭態勢。選取之產業別包括塑膠及其製品(HS39)、梭織成衣(HS62)、鋼鐵製品(HS73)、機械產品(HS84)、電機產品(HS85)、汽車相關產品(HS87)等。 根據實證結果發現,匯率並非是1997-2003年間東亞九國六大競爭產業的競爭力所在,因此破除了東亞國家的憂慮,升值並非導致東亞出口競爭力下滑的因素。進口國對某產業需求、國內供給能力、比較利益、產品多樣性程度以及產業內貿易程度因素更是東亞九國六大產業出口美國與歐盟市場中,競爭力變動的重要影響關鍵。東亞九國中,以中國所擁有的獨特國家別效果最多,六大產業皆有,顯示中國低廉的勞動成本與廣大的土地,是促使中國產業競爭力增強的重要因素。而台灣在面對中國的強力競爭時,應藉由提升技術、開發新產品、加強設計、產業升級等方式,來加強台灣的產業競爭力,避免與中國在勞力密集產業、低品質、低價產品中競爭。


In East Asian countries export plays a vital role in developing their economy. The products made by the firms in the 9 countries of East Asia including Taiwan, China, Thailand, Hong Kong, Korea, Philippine, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, however, are very similar;The government officers of the 9 countries of East Asia usually make a policy of devaluating their currency in order to stimulating their export. What this study investigates is to recognize the foreign exchange rate that is inflating or devaluating as an important factor of affecting competence power of the 9 countries of East Asia, or growth of demand from foreign countries as the key factor. The purpose of this paper is to study which one is the main factor of affecting the competence power of East Asia countries by foreign exchange rate, revealed comparative advantage, internal industrial trade and product variety, furthermore, what is the dominant factor of affecting the competence power of the 9 countries of East Asia. This study analyzes the competence situation that the 6 industries (plastic, woven apparel, iron/steel products, machinery, electrical machinery, vehicles) of the 9 East Asian countries operate in United States and European Union. According to the empirical evidence of this paper, foreign exchange rate is not the key factor of competing in the 6 industries of the 9 East Asian countries. An imported country’s demand for a certain industry, domestic supply ability, revealed comparative advantage, and product variety are more important than foreign exchange rate in competing in U.S. and European market.


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