  • 學位論文


A Study of Median Classification and Space Rearrangement of Urban Roadway – A Case of Taipei City

指導教授 : 羅孝賢


沿街開店的傳統習性,多沿著幹道兩側發展,道路交通功能亦並隨變遷。道路空間有限,若同時負荷大量穿越交通及地區交通等交通特性,勢必衍生人車交織問題。路型設置應不再僅依據道路交通功能,需配合兩側土地使用、旅運特性及交通特性,做適當的配置。  爰此,本研究以臺北市市區道路為例,選取七條主次要道路進行分析。首先分析各研究路段所具有之特性,再建構迴歸分析模式,結果顯示地區性交通量明顯受道路兩側開發強度影響,土地開發強度愈高則地區性交通量越大;藉由因素分析萃取之大眾運輸,土地開發及穿越交通等三個因素,作為群落分析輸入資料,將研究路段道路特性較為一致者歸類為同種路型,分析結果分為標線分隔、中央分隔及快慢分隔等三類路型,配合都市道路設計相關規範,結合典型路型設計理念,基於道路連續性原則及全線路型一致之考量,將現況與分類結果異同路段,進行忠孝東路、羅斯福路、及中山北路等道路空間重分配檢討。唯幹道空間重分配本研究建議必須加以整合臺北市區域路網及替代道路系統規劃,引導穿越車輛至替代道路,限制不必要汽機車經過,在此前提下方能予以應用。故以人為主道路,宜限制穿越性交通經過;反之,以車行為主之道路,則以維持人行基本需求空間為原則。以此設計構想,作為現況道路檢討及未來道路設計規劃參考。


In general, the traffic function will be changed subject to land development. The limited urban street space will result in conflict between pedestrian and vehicle traffic. Therefore, design of an urban street shall take into account the land use, traffic and travel characteristics. This research selected seven urban streets in Taipei city as cases study. It supported that the land development raised local traffic in regression model. The factor analysis has been used to elucidate the public transit factor, land use factor and through traffic factor. Furthermore, the cluster analysis has been applied to categorize the sample sections of streets which have similar traffic and land development characteristics. Three types of median configuration were identified, including flush median, raised median and express/slow traffic divider. In summary, it is recommended to have a comprehensive thinking on the urban street planning, design and continuity consideration of the street. For the pedestrian-oriented streets, the through traffic shall be restricted; and an adequate space for sidewalk shall be provided for the automobile-oriented streets. This concept shall be applied for review of existing urban streets and as a reference for a new urban street design.


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