  • 學位論文


The Relationships between Mothers’ Psychological Distress and Health Related Quality of Life in Children with Allergic Disease: Family Functioning as a Moderator

指導教授 : 謝珮玲


研究背景和目的:過敏是台灣兒童常見的慢性疾病,過敏疾病不只對兒童生理和心理方面造成影響,也會使母親的疲累程度增加,研究指出過敏病童母親較健康兒童母親有較多的心理困擾,但亦有研究發現二者之心理困擾程度未有顯著不同,因此本研究將探討過敏病童母親與一般健康兒童母親在心理困擾上的差異情況。國外已針對家庭功能、病童母親心理困擾及病童健康相關生活品質之相關進行探討,但國內對此議題的研究尚有限,且尚未有研究探討家庭功能在過敏病童母親心理困擾和病童健康相關生活品質之關係中所扮演的角色,因此本研究欲探討家庭功能是否能調節病童母親心理困擾和病童健康相關生活品質之間的關係。 研究方法:本研究採用方便取樣方式,由醫院門診、幼兒園招募研究對象,共招募156位兒童和母親,分別為健康兒童81人和過敏病童75人,其中過敏病童包括氣喘病童12人、過敏性鼻炎病童46人、兼有氣喘和過敏性鼻炎病童17人。以SPSS統計軟體進行描述性分析、單因子變異數分析、相關分析及階層迴歸分析。 研究結果:過敏病童母親與健康兒童母親在心理困擾上未有顯著差異。階層迴歸分析顯示家庭的情感涉入能調節母親憂鬱與兒童生理健康生活品質的關係;家庭的溝通能調節母親焦慮、憂鬱及控制不良與兒童生理健康生活品質或�和心理社會健康生活品質和整體生活品質的關係;家庭的獨立性則能調節母親控制不良與兒童整體生活品質的關係。 結論:本研究發現家庭之情感涉入、溝通及獨立性可調節母親心理困擾對兒童健康相關生活品質之預測力,尤其獨立性具有緩衝母親控制不良對兒童整體生活品質之影響的效果,因此未來治療過敏兒童時可由強化家庭的獨立性著手。


Background and aims: Allergy is a common disease in children. It affects children’s biological and psychological well-being, as well as mother’s fatigueness. Since it's not conclusive that the psychological distress of mothers with allergic children differ from their healthy counterpart, the study was conducted to explore the issue. In Taiwan, limited studies focused on the correlations among mothers' psychological distress, the health related quality of life in allergic children and family functioning. The study also aimed at their correlations, and more specifically, the moderating role of family functioning in the relationships between mothers' psychological distress and health related quality of life in children with allergic disease were expolred. Methods:Convenient sampling was applied in the study. The questionnaires were filled by 156 child-mother dyads, include 81 healthy children and 75 allergic children. In group of allergic children, there are 12 children with asthma, 46 children with allergic rhinitis, and 17 children mixed with asthma and allergic rhinitis. Results:No difference was found between mothers’ psychological distress with allergic children and healthy children. By stepwise regression analysis, the moderating effect of affect involvement was found in the relationship of mothers' depression and children's physical health related quality of life. The moderating effect of communication in the relationship of mothers' psychological distress (anxiety, depression, and loss of control) and children's health related quality of life (physical, psychosocial, total) were noted. The moderating effect of independence in the relationship of mothers' loss of control and children's total health related quality of life was also noted. Conclusion:Family functioning of affect involvement, communication, and independence moderate the relationship of mothers' psychological distress and children's health related quality of life. Independence buffer the harmful effect of mothers’ loss of control on children's overall health related quality of life. For the improvement of allergic children's health related life quality, the facilitating of the family independence might be a helpful way.


林虹良、王瑞霞(2006)。台灣兒童氣喘的危險因子。高雄護理雜誌 23(1),23-32。
