  • 學位論文


Psychological Environmental Protection of Furniture Design

指導教授 : 楊明津


自然環境所遭受的破壞已不可輕易彌補,環境保護行動固然已推行許久,但其效益卻有待努力,這個已受到人類肆無忌憚過度摧殘的土地,到頭來還是我們得自行承擔後果,口頭上的環保並不能使自然恢復從前的樣貌,根本的做法是內心的環保,我們所有的行為都是由心念主導的,若淨化思想,提升心靈層面,將不過分倚賴物質享受。也因為這樣,我們才會認為做環保是快樂的事而非犧牲,更能積極自發的善待我們的地球。 過去的人們期盼有更好的生活品質、更便利的科技;現代的人們有了這些技術卻賠上了我們曾擁有的淨地。近年人們已深刻感受到環境的改變,大自然的反常變化讓許多學者、科學家們對生態保護的研究不遺餘力,設計師們也相繼推出所謂綠色產品,在這些產品中,環保訴求是最基本的,但其核心價值卻常被忽略,本創作所呈現的系列作品是以心靈環保為主軸的家具,所寄予的期望在於作品中的本質。心靈環保就是一種惜福的觀念;少一點物質追求,多一點精神生活,簡樸、純淨、耐使用,並以故事性的設計方式串連著本創作的系列作品。盼藉此加深觀者和使用者們對環保行動內在意涵的體認。


People used to look forward to a better quality of life and more progressive technology; however, modern people own all of it, but lost the healthy environment that we used to have. The main idea of the series of green design furniture is based on the psychological environmental protection. And they expect to convey the intrinsic concept of psychological environmental protection that suggests cherish everything we have. More spiritual and less materialism is the fundamental and the most important way to protect our earth. That is to say, the meditating of mind is the root of environmental protection. This is why I want to design a series works of psychological environmental protection furniture, but not just a normal green product. I believe our thinking can be changed by means of design. These works could be long-term used, and will be linked up by the images of mind purified such as meditating, simple and pure. Hoping users may be aware of issue of psychological environmental protection by using those furniture.


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