  • 學位論文


Investigation of a Synthetic Jet in Crossflows

指導教授 : 楊安石




The goal of active flow control research is to develop a cost-effective technology that has potential for advancing aerodynamic performance and maneuvering compared to conventional approaches. In operation, it can be vital to thoroughly understand the flow characteristics of the formation and interaction of a synthetic jet with external crossflow before formulating a practicable active flow control strategy. Therefore, this study is focused on examining the flow pattern of synthetic jets under the cross-flow effect to probe the mechanism of applying SJA to active flow control. In the analysis, the theoretical model used the transient three-dimensional conservation equations of mass and momentum for compressible, isothermal, turbulent flows. The motion of a movable membrane plate was also treated as the moving boundary by prescribing the displacement on the plate surface. The predictions by the computational fluid dynamics (CFD) code ACE+® were compared with measured transient phase-averaged velocities of Rumsey et al. for code validation. The CFD software was used to explore the time evolution of the development process of the synthetic jet and its interaction within a turbulent boundary layer flow for a complete actuation cycle. Numerical simulations were extended using the verified computer tool to resolve the aerodynamic properties under different blowing conditions.


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