  • 學位論文


The Phenomenon of Falling-rising tone and Glottal Stop Addition Resulting from Diminutives Development of Jin dialect

指導教授 : 曹逢甫 許慧娟


本文藉由現今晉語方言的小稱音表現來探討漢語聲調系統中曲折調及舒聲促化現象的成因。聲調為漢語的重要特徵,一個音節不能沒有母音,也不能沒有聲調。漢語聲調雖然已經長期有被學者進行研究,但是關於聲調的起源仍是眾說紛紜,曲折調及舒聲促化這兩個有標(marked)的語音特徵也鮮少有學者能以充分證據詳細說明兩者之來歷。 本文認為造成舒聲促化的原因跟小稱有很大的關聯性,也就是「詞素音位音變」所致,形成過程為:1. 基詞先與小稱詞綴並列2. 久而形成合音使韻腹音節拉長、調素數目增加、變調產生,在調值降升處產生喉塞音嵌入的空間3. 喉塞音嵌入韻腹的調值降升處,如[2ʔ13]。今日的晉語孝義方言的中塞式變調,證明了晉語歷經過此語音變化過程4. 因為在韻腹的喉塞音較不符合漢語本身的音節結構,迫使喉塞音後移至基詞字尾部分:[2ʔ13]→[213ʔ],形成基詞的韻尾,造就了今日所看到的舒聲促化字。上述的語音演變過程,也解釋了曲折調的產生原因:合音導致韻腹拉長及變調。韻腹拉長及聲調的瞬息降升造就了喉塞音產生的空間。之後隨著喉塞音的消失,原本由發喉塞音引發而來的調素及其音高保留下來,使之產生曲折調含有3個調素的特徵,補償喉塞音消失後存在的空位,今日普通話的[214]及晉語的曲折調來源也可由上述語音變化過程解釋之,更可以進而推測《中原音韻》時期官話聲調系統的樣貌。曹逢甫(2006)提出漢語小稱輪迴理論更是符合舒聲促化的語音演變歷程。


晉語 曲折調 舒聲促化 入聲 小稱詞


The thesis probes into the phenomena of falling-rising tone and glottal stop addition through the diminutive of Jin dialects. Tone is an important feature of Chines languages. The Tonal system has been chronically studied by scholars. But the origin of tone is still controversial. The two marked features: falling-rising tone and glottal stop addition’s origins are rarely described by scholars, too. We argue that the cause of glottal stop addition has a big relevance with diminutive. It also means the “morphological conditioning” plays a very important role on the phenomena. The forming process goes: 1. The word align with the diminutive affix; 2. The combination of two tones (The word anddiminutive affix) stretches the vowel and changes the tone. The place between falling and rising tones generates the room for glottal stop to embed. 3. The glottal is embedded between the place of falling and rising tones cause the tone such as [2ʔ13]. 4. Due to the place of glottal stop does not accord with the Chines syllable structures. It forces glottal stop move to word’s suffix: [213ʔ]. It shows how glottal stop addition comes from as we seen now day also explains the cause of falling-rising tone. The Mandarin’s [214] can be explained as well by the above process. The diminutive in the framework of the grammaticalization cycle (Tsao, 2006) also satisfies the above process.


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