  • 學位論文


Study of Modal System in Pucunug Paiwan:A View from Cartography

指導教授 : 蔡維天


本論文主要從製圖理論 (Cartographic Approach) 觀點 (Rizzi 1997, Cinque 1999)探討文樂排灣語模態詞的語法特性,從結構以及分佈探討排灣語模態詞分層現象。本論文將排灣語模態詞區分為知識性模態詞 (epistemic modals)、義務性模態詞 (deontic modals)、能願模態詞 (dynamic modals) 三類,並提出以下觀點: (一) 排灣語模態詞有其語言內部普遍性語法階層 (universal hierarchical ):知識性>義務性>能願性。(二) 依據Tang (1999)的分析我們將a分析為補語連詞(complementizer) 而非格位(case markers),並依據句中補語成分能否帶有時制動貌以及語態變化,提出中排灣語的補語連詞a不只引介「限定子句」(finite clause)也引介「非限定子句」(nonfinite clause)。(三) 排灣語模態詞可以區分成CP層 (CP-layer)、TP層 (TP-layer) 和vP層 (vP-layer)三個區塊。知識性模態詞位置坐落在大句子 (CP phase),藉由高層補語連詞ahigh引介限定子句,義務性模態詞分布於TP層,藉由中層補語連詞amid引介「限定子句」,而能願模態詞則分佈在vP層次,藉由低層補語連詞alow引介「非限定子句」,子句內的詞彙動詞不帶有時貌變化,且必須遵守主事者語態限制 (AV-only)。 就句法測試而言,我們有以下發現:(一) 內、外主語的互動上我們發現知識模態詞、義務模態詞比內主語來得高因此位在輕動詞組 (vP) 之上,能願模態詞則低於輕動詞組。(二) 否定詞的互動上,我們先確立了未然否定ini可出現兩個位置,並進一步界定模態詞之間的相對位置依序為:知識模態詞 > 義務模態 > 否定詞 > 義務模態 > 能願模態詞。 (三) 從動詞組刪略的測試中,我們確立了知識模態詞位於指示詞位置,而義務模態詞 (maqati, na’uya) 與能願模態詞位於為中心語位置。(四) 從時體詞的證據上,高於時貌詞組可進一步區別屬知識模態詞表可行性 (possibility) 的maqati「可以」以及低於時貌詞組的義務模態表保證 (commissive)。 (五) 疑問與無定用法的測試上,我們確定了唯有知識模態、義務模態「應該」以及表可行性的義務模態,其句法高度能帶句子層次的隱性偏稱運符,表保證用法的義務性模態、能願性模態則無法認可無定用法反而認可疑問用法。最後針對動後模態詞現象進行討論,並提出動後模態詞的表層語序乃是藉由句法上的操作而來,在本論文的分析下並非反例,而我們將排灣語的句法階層分佈定位如下:[知識模態 > 否定詞 > TP > 義務模態 (commissive) > vP > 能願模態 > VP > V]


This thesis adopts the Cartographic Approach to examine the syntactic behavior of modals in Paiwan while providing an explanation for the correspondence between their distribution and interpretation along the line of Rizzi (1997), Cinque (1999) and Tsai (2010). The proposal is that modality in Paiwan is composed of three layers: Epistemic modals, Deontic modals, and Dynamic modals. Our findings are as follows: (A) We observe an universal hierarchy: Epistemic modals > Deontic modals > Dynamic modals. (B) Against Tang’s (1999) analysis, a is better analyzed as a complementizer rather than a case marker. Following this idea and further applying it to modal constructions, we find that a introduces either a finite or a non-finite clause in Pucunug Paiwan. (C) The modals can be structurally divided into three groups. One group is in the CP-layer, including epistemic modals, which select high complementizer ahigh that introduces a finite clause. Another group lies in the TP-layer, including deontic modals, which co-occur with amid, introducing a finite clause. The third group is in the vP-layer, including dynamic modals, which co-occur with alow introducing a non-finite clausal structure that is subject to the AV-only restriction on the lexical verb. In terms of syntactic analysis, we obtain the following facts: (A) We consider the availability of the inner and outer subject; an inner or outer subject may occur in an epistemic/deontic modal sentence, while the inner subject is not permitted in dynamic modal sentences. In other words, epistemic/deontic modals are higher than vP. (B) The scope of negation is a clear test for the structural position of the modals. Epistemic modals cannot appear within the scope of negation ini. On the other hand, dynamic modals cannot appear outside the scope of ini. However, there is no restriction on deontic modals with respect to the scope of ini; they can be inside or outside the scope of ini. (C) VP ellipsis provides a good test too, which requires head-government. We find that epistemic modals do not license VP ellipsis. On the other hand, there is no restriction on VP ellipsis with deontic modals (maqati, na’uya) and dynamic modals. (D) TAM can be used to distinguish the epistemic modal maqati (possibility) from the deontic modal maqati (commissive). (E) Indefinite wh licensing can play a vital role in helping identifying the syntactic structure of modal constructions. In Paiwan, only epistemic modals may license indefinite wh. (F) The surface order of postverbal modals are not base-generated as such but is a result of syntactic operations. Finally, we combine the lexical and syntactic aspects of modals together, and propose a syntactic hierarchy as follows: [epistemic > NEG > TP > deontic (commissive) > vP > dynamic > VP > V]


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