  • 學位論文


An Exploratory Study on Appling SOA Services on the ERP Systems of Film Industry

指導教授 : 黃天佑


本研究為探討服務導向架構及雲端運算服務架構下的企業資源規劃系統,可依產業特性,客製出適用於薄膜產業使用的ERP系統。 採用雛型法實作及驗證,以SOA雲端服務平台架構,建構ERP系統之雛型運作機制,以呈現SOA雲端運算服務應用於ERP系統。並依目前SOA雲端服務的ERP服務類型基本架構:SaaS 軟體即服務、PaaS 平台即服務及IaaS 基礎設施即服務三構面進行驗證評估其成果,驗證結果發現,此ERP系統符合雲端服務的特性與雲端服務的應用方式,且適用於薄膜產業之需求。 研究結果得知,SOA雲端服務平台架構可滿足國內薄膜產業應用ERP系統之需求。其客製化服務與雲端運算服務充分展現示出符合薄膜產業的ERP系統,使企業中的ERP系統具有高彈性的隨需服務、靈活性、整合性與快速建置等優勢,適合企業廣為運用。


This study explores the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system under the framework of service-oriented architecture (SOA) and cloud computing services, and proposes that the ERP system constructed under such framework can be customized for the film industry according to industry characteristics. The study adopts prototyping approach, building a prototype of the operation mechanism of ERP system with SOA cloud computing services platform architecture, and evaluates and verifies its performance by the current three dimensions of the Infrastructure of SOA cloud computing ERP: SaaS, PaaS, and IaaS. It finds that the ERP system built under such architecture corresponds to the characteristics and applications of the SOA cloud computing and fulfills the demands of film industry. The finding of this study concludes that SOA cloud computing platform architecture fits the demand required of the ERP system in film industry. Its customized services and cloud computing services fully conforms to the ERP requirements in the film industry, and the EPR system built under such architectures has the advantages of service on-demand, high flexibility, integration and rapid development. It is a suitable application for enterprises for wide use.


ERP SOA Cloud Computing


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