  • 學位論文


A study on Disaster Prevention Literacy and Teacher Training Curriculum for Compulsory School Teachers : A Case Study of Nantou County

指導教授 : 馮丰儀


摘要 本研究以南投縣國民中小學教師為研究對象,除瞭解中小學教師防災素養外,並希望就南投縣現行防災師資培育機制加以探討,最後提出結論與建議,以供相關單位之參考。本研究之目的如下: 一、探討南投縣國民中、小學教師防災素養。 二、探討南投縣國民中、小學教師對現行防災師資培育機制之看法。 三、分析不同背景變項國民中、小學教師對防災素養以及防災師資培育機制看法的差異情形。 四、瞭解南投縣中、小學教師防災素養與防災師資培育機制看法之間的相關情形。 五、依據研究結果,提出相關單位推動防災教育參考之建議。 為達成前述研究目的,本研究採用問卷調查法蒐集資料,並以描述統計、t考驗、變異數分析、相關分析等統計方法進行分析。本研究共寄發出312份問卷,總計回收有效問卷190份,回收率為60.9%,研究結果顯示如下: 一、南投縣國中小教師整體防災素養表現良好,以防災態度最佳、防災技能最差。 二、南投縣國中小教師防災師資培育機制看法皆趨於正向,但實際參與意願較低。 三、國中小教師防災知識與防災技能不因不同背景變項而有顯著差異;防災態度則在不同學校層級以及年齡有所差異。 四、國中小教師對防災師資培育機制執行成效的看法在不同的學校層級、職務以及性別有所差異;對防災師資培育機制的運作模式、培訓及認證的看法,則受是否參加過防災相關培訓,以及是否協助辦理過防災相關培訓影響有所差異。 五、國中小教師防災素養各層面之間、防災態度與防災師資培育機制看法各層面之間以及防災師資培育機制看法各層面之間,均達正相關。 最後,研究提出幾項建議,提供各界做為參考: 一、國中小教師:加強緊急災害應變能力、勇於參與校園防災相關事務、參與防災師資認證。 二、教育行政主管機關:將教師防災素養列為校務評鑑的依據、防災培訓課程應多加注重防災知識以及防災技能兩方面、防災師資培訓應重視學習成果評量、增加培訓資訊宣傳管道、增加防災師資認證制度誘因以提升教師參與意願、將防災教育列入師資培育學程。


Abstract This research take the Nantou County of compulsory school teachers as an example to understand the teacher disaster prevention literacy and the opinion of teacher training program for disaster prevention education, and to propose conclusions and suggestions for future reference to teacher training program for disaster prevention education. The object of this research is as the following: 1. To understand the disaster prevention literacy of compulsory school teachers in Nantou County. 2. To understand the opinion of teacher training program for disaster prevention education of compulsory school teachers in Nantou County. 3. To explore the different background variables affecting various kinds of compulsory school teachers. 4. To explore the correlation between the disaster prevention literacy and opinion of teacher training program for disaster prevention of compulsory school teachers in Nantou County. 5. According to the result of data analysis, affording some suggestions for education policy or training program. In order to achieve the research goal, this research uses questionnaires methods. Finally, analyzes the data by using descriptive statistics, correlation analysis, one-way ANOVA, t-test. A total 312 questionnaires were distributed to the school and 190 valid questionnaires were collected with a return rate of 60.9%. The results were as follow: 1. The compulsory school teachers’ disaster prevention literacy perform well, the Attitude of disaster prevention is the best, and the Skill of disaster prevention is the worst. 2. The opinion of teacher training program for disaster prevention education of compulsory school teachers all tend to the positive, but the lower actual participation willingness. 3. The finding showed that the Knowledge and Skill of disaster prevention of elementary and secondary school teacher in Nantou County were not cause difference in any background; but the Attitude of disaster prevention cause difference by school level and age. 4. The finding showed that the teacher opinion of program’s Implementation Effectiveness in Nantou County were cause difference by school level, job, and gender; the teacher opinion of program’s Operational Mode and Certification were cause difference by participate or assist with disaster prevention training. 5. The relationship between the level of disaster prevention literacy, between the Attitude of disaster prevention and opinion of disaster prevention training levels, between the level of disaster prevention training opinion presents and positive correlation. Finally, the research proposed several suggestions for future reference: 1. Compulsory school teachers: Enhance the ability of emergency, participate in the affairs of the campus disaster prevention, and involved in teacher certification of disaster prevention. 2. Educational administration controlling organization: Set the teacher’s literacy of disaster prevention as the basis for school evaluation, disaster prevention and teacher training programs should pay more attention to knowledge and skills of disaster prevention, disaster prevention and teacher training programs should take learning outcomes assessment, increase the publicity means of training information, enhance teachers' willingness to participate the teacher disaster prevention certification system, and take the disaster prevention education as part of the teacher education.


