  • 學位論文


A Cross Level Analysis of Customer distrust and Trust in Online Store

指導教授 : 呂慈恩


電子商務快速發展的時代,消費者漸漸習慣在家上網購物,網路消費模式已在全球蔚為風潮。在競爭激烈的網購市場中,網路商店的經營除了有形商品與價格層面外,同時在服務品質、服務失誤的處理與對網路賣家的信任關係等,更是網路業者經營時亟需重視的議題。 有鑑於此,本研究探討網路商店E化服務失誤與E化服務補救對消費者產生不信任與信任的影響關係,以階層線性模式(HLM)來分析群體與個體層級的關係。本研究以問卷統計調查來分析結果,研究對象以曾經在網路商店購物的消費者為主,共計發放394費問卷,扣除答題不全的問卷,回收有效問卷362份,有效問卷回收率91.87%。 研究結果顯示: 一、E化服務失誤對不信任有正向顯著影響。 二、E化服務補救對補償後滿意度有正向顯著影響。 三、補償後滿意度對信任有顯著影響。 四、口碑訊息推薦在E化服務失誤(系統可靠性失誤)與不信任具有調節影響關係。 五、店家聲譽跨層次影響不信任具有顯著影響關係。 六、店家聲譽跨層次影響E化服務失誤(系統可靠性失誤)與不信任具有顯著調節影響關 係。 七、店家聲譽跨層次影響信任具有顯著影響關係。


The consumers are getting used to shopping online at home in the rapid development of e-commerce era. The network consumption patterns has become a trend in the world. In the competitive market of online shopping, online store not only has tangible goods and price level, but service quality, the handling of service failure and the trust relationships between the network sellers. It is urgent concerned issues when the network operator runs. In view of this, this study explores the failure of the online store E-Services and the remedy of E-Services for consumers to cause the effect relationship between distrust and trust with hierarchical linear modeling (HLM) to analyze the relationships between populations and individual levels.In this study, a questionnaire survey to analyze the results, the study has been in the online store to shop for consumer-oriented, distributed a total of 394 questionnaires fee deducted incomplete answer questionnaires,362 valid questionnaires were recovered, effective response rate 91.87%. First, E service failures have significantly positive effects on distrust. Second, E remediation services has a positive effect on satisfaction with the compensation. Third. The satisfaction has a significant impact on the trust after the compensation. Fourth. WOM message recommendation has the moderating effect relationship between the failures of E-service (system reliability failures) and distrust. Fifth. Affecting distrust about the cross-level of store's reputation has a significant effect relationship. Sixth. Affecting the failures of E-services (system reliability failures) and the distrust about the cross-level of store's reputation has a significant moderating effect relationship. Seven. Affecting trust about the cross-level of store's reputation has a significant effect relationship.


一、 中文部分
1.李茂能,「結構方程模式之軟體AMOS 之簡介及其測量編制上之應用」民國九十五年。
