  • 學位論文


Equity Mobilization: The Case of Joint Stock Banks in Viet Nam

指導教授 : 鄧誠中
共同指導教授 : 紀麗秋(Li-Chiu Chi)


業主權益 (owner equity)是企業資本組成當中最主要的成份,尤其是合資銀行(Joint Stock Bank)。目前越南合資銀行的業主權益相對於所需要的比重明顯偏低,此外這些銀行的募股方式也缺乏效率以及不適切。這篇論文的目的就是探討越南合資銀行募股問題,並且提出一些解決的方案,包括:鼓勵越南合資銀行與其他銀行合併,放寬外人投資越南合資銀行的限制,以及完善一些相關的法律規定等等。


合資銀行 權益 流動性


Owner equity is one of the most important parts to constitute capital of an enterprise in general, in a Joint Stock Bank in particular. However, Vietnam Joint Stock Banks’ owner equity has been too low compared with the performance requirement in the system. In addition, equity mobilization in these banks has been proved insufficient and inadequate. The purpose of this research is to study equity mobilization in Vietnam Joint Stock Banks (VNJSBs). The study analyzes and assesses the current situation of VNJSBs’ owner equity based on secondary data collected from domestic and foreign data. Then, it proposes some resolutions to enhance the mobilization owner equity such as encouraging VNJSBs to merge with others, lifting restriction on foreign investment to attract investors and completing all necessary legal bases for equity mobilization.


Joint Stock Banks mobilization equity


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