  • 學位論文


Electoral Reforms and the Effect of Local Factions' Political Territory: Taking the Legislative Elections from 2004 to 2012 in Chai-yi County as a Case

指導教授 : 蔡榮祥


選舉改制迄今,已歷經兩屆立委選舉,尤其面臨中央政權政黨輪替後,派系的經營在嘉義縣已出現了變化,除了合作的政黨不同外,派系的勢力不僅沒有瓦解,反而勢力持續存在,各別深入到國民黨及民進黨中,甚至每逢選舉,政黨更須仰賴派系人馬組織固票,究竟嘉義縣地方派系的勢力變化為何? 筆者透過本文針對嘉義縣的地方政治菁英進行訪談,觀察選舉制度改革後對地方派系政治版圖的影響,藉此了解地方派系勢力之消長分布情況。最後發現「選舉制度」層面確實具有程度的影響,但「非正式結構」與「個人」兩者相互糾結產生的力量,似乎凌駕於制度所發揮之效應,亦即關於政經資源的分配當中的利益糾葛及樁腳關係的經營,是影響地方政治版圖及收編拉攏或策反拔樁的重要變數。 惟以目前嘉義縣政治態勢觀之,林派自兩千年後拿下縣政資源迄今已邁入第三任,在鄉鎮市長部分也取得多數,加上農會系統,都有資源得以支配,此外,在議會部分更取得絕對多數,府會一體相互配合力挺,也讓維繫派系生存發展得以永續,因此,大致可推定嘉義縣派系勢力已是林派大於黃派。


Since the reform of the electoral system to the present day, two legislative elections have passed, and especially after facing the transition of the political party in control of the central government, the operations of factions in Chiayi County have exhibited a transformation. Other than cooperating with different political parties, the power of political factions has not only remained undisturbed, they have even sunk deeper within the KMT and DPP, to the extent that, during each election, political parties rely on the power of factions to solidify the vote. How has the power of the local political factions in Chiayi County actually changed? In this paper, the writer shall conduct interviews with local political elites in Chiayi County and observe the influence of the electoral system reform on the state of local faction politics, and in doing so, understand the state of the distribution of growth and decline in power among local factions.According to the findings and limitations are explained based on research results. In summary, the writer believes that “electoral systems” exhibit a level of influence, but the force created by intertwining “unofficial organizations” and “individuals” seems to dominate the influence exhibited by the system, that is to say, the operation of disputes regarding the allocation of political and economic resources and relationships with campaigners are major factors in influencing the local political layout as well as gaining support from supporters and the opposition alike. From the perspective of contemporary politics in Chiayi County, the Lin faction has entered its third term since taking over political resources in the county in 2000. It has won the majority in local mayoral elections, and adding the Farmer’s Association System, it has a large amount of resources to distribute. In addition, in legislative assemblies, it has won the absolute majority. The government and unions have cooperated to prop each other up, enabling factions to continue to develop and thrive. It can be presumed that the influence of the Lin faction greatly outweighs that of the Huang faction.


王金壽,1997,國民黨候選人買票機器的建立與運作:一九九三年風芒縣長選舉的個案研究。台灣政治學刊2: 3-62。
王金壽,2006,〈台灣的司法獨立改革與國民黨侍從主義的崩潰〉,《台灣政治學刊》,10 (1):103-161。
