  • 學位論文


The Study of Corporate Social Responsibility and Financial Performance

指導教授 : 王朝仕


本文旨在探討企業社會責任(Corporate Social Responsibility;CSR)與企業財務績效間之關係。本研究樣本選自天下雜誌公布的「企業公民獎」,並採用其企業社會責任分數做為企業社會責任表現績效的代理變數。本研究分成二部份進行,首先針對台灣上市的所有電子產業得獎與否,其企業社會責任與財務關係的相關性進行研究。第二部份特別針對歷年來曾獲得天下雜誌評比為台灣最佳「企業公民」的電子產業公司,其企業社會責任表現與ROE、ROA、MVE的關聯性。 由第一部分研究結果發現,有從事CSR之企業,其財務績效ROE、ROA與市場價值MVE可能因為樣本間變異數過大,導致其正相關但不顯著。至於第二部份縮小樣本為曾獲獎之企業時,其CSR表現與ROE、ROA、MVE三個變數間顯著正相關。可知企業社會責任表現越好的公司其在財務績效與市場價值上也有較好表現。


This article aims to explore the relationship between Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and corporate financial performance. The study samples are selected from "Corporate Citizen Award" published by Common Wealth Magazine, and adopt its CSR grade as a proxy variable as CSR performance. In this study, we divided it into two parts, first we aim at all listed electronic industries in Taiwan whether win the award or not, and do research on their correlation between CSR and financial relations. The second part, especially for electronic industries having received Common Wealth Magzine's rating of the best "corporate citizenship" in Taiwan over the years, we analyze the relevance of ROE,ROA, MVE and their CSR. Found by the first part of the study results, the CSR enterprise for the financial performance of ROE, ROA and the market value of MVE. Due to the sample variances are too large, ROE,ROA and MVE are positive correlation but not significant. As for the second part of narrowing samples down to award-winning CSR enterprise, the performance of CSR and three variables, ROE , ROA, and MVE, are significantly correlated. All in all, it shows that the better CSR performance the companies have,the better performance on financial and market value they have.


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