  • 學位論文


The Hillside-Land Tilt Detection Using Multicopter and IOT

指導教授 : 柯松源


近年來因為山坡地的滑落所形成的土石流已造成國人生命及財產很大的損失,土石流的形成主要原因是雨量太大,雖然雨量的大小是我們無法控制的,但我們可以經由平時做好水土保持,隨時監控山坡地是否有變動的情形,當發現山坡地有不正常的傾斜現像時就要採取相應的補救措施,以提高山坡地對大雨的抵抗力。 多軸飛行器是一種無人飛行載具,它可以依據事先規劃好的路徑飛行,此機動的特性,很適合在不易佈建有線網路的地區做為一個移動的網路平臺,它可以形成一個臨時的網路,與節點以無線的方式交換資料。 隨著網路技術的進步,許多電子產品都具有網路通訊的功能,形成所謂的物聯網。在此論文中我們將水平感測器節點與多軸飛行器接上Zigbee網路,使得節點能透過Zigbee將所測得的傾斜資料傳給多軸飛行器,然後多軸飛行器透過3G網路,將傾斜資料傳至雲端,實現所謂的移動式物聯網。在雲端我們架設了ThingSpeak的網站,使用者透過網頁就可即時的獲得各個節點的資訊。




The landslide due to hillside-land collapsing has caused great human life and property losses recently. Landslide is mainly due to the heavy rainfall. Although the amount of rainfall is out of our control, however, we can increase the hillside-land rainfall resilience capability by paying attention to the soil and water conservation and monitoring the tilt condition of the hillside-land constantly. When abnormal changes are detected, proper actions should be taken. Multicopter is an unmanned flight vehicle. It can fly according to the pre-planned route. Its mobility is suitable to be used as a mobile networking platform in the area which is difficult to deploy the tethered network. It can establish a temporary network and exchange data with nodes wirelessly. With the advance of networking technology, many electronic devices have networking capability, forming the so called IOT (Internet-Of-Things). In this thesis, we connected the sensor node and the multicopter with Zigbee. The sensor nodes sent the tilt data to multicopter by Zigbee, then the multicopter sends the data to cloud by 3G module, implementing the so called mobile Internet. We installed a ThingSpeak web site in the cloud. User can get information of sensor nodes in real time via the web browser.




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