  • 學位論文

Calibrin-A和Calibrin-Z黴菌毒素吸附劑 對棉酚吸附效果之測試

In vitro studies on the evaluation of Calibrin-A and Calibrin-Z for their adsorption on gossypol

指導教授 : 陳齊聖


蛋白質為提供動物健康生長飼料中之重要部分。目前較常用的蛋白質來源為動物蛋白,例如:血粉、魚粉、骨粉等,來源已有短缺現象。使用植物性蛋白,彌補上述短缺,已成為重要選項。而將棉籽,或棉籽粕作為補充蛋白質的來源也是一個不錯的選擇。然而,目前已有一些棉仔中的棉酚毒素對動物造成傷害的報導。管轄單位對棉酚含量,已訂有允許上限 ( 例如:豬 60 ppm、肉雞 100 ppm )。添加吸附棉酚毒素之吸附劑,以保護動物免受其害,為一種實際可行的方法。由於棉酚毒素分子間的化學結構相似,黴菌毒素吸附劑是在這應用程序上的不錯選擇。本研究室測試兩種黴菌毒素吸附劑:Calibrin-A和Calibrin-Z對於棉酚的吸附進行了實驗,在磷酸鹽緩衝溶液中,利用高效液相層析儀用於棉酚含量的定量。實驗結果顯示,這兩種毒素吸附劑,在高劑量添加下,均可吸附棉酚(例如:90 mg/ 20 mL,和2 ppm的棉酚)。


棉籽油 吸附劑 棉酚


Protein is an important component in feed for healthy animal growth. Currently there are shortages in most commonly used protein sources for animal protein, namely, blood meal, fish meal, bone meal etc. Vegetable protein has been considered to compensate shuch shortages. Cottonseed and its meal are good choices for such purpose. However, there have been concerns about the toxic effect of gossypol naturally occurred in cottonseed that might be harmful to the animal. Regulatory limit allowances of gossypol have been announced (e.g. 60 ppm for swine, 100 ppm for broilers). A practical solution would be the addition of gossypol binder that will adsorb gossypol and leave the animal unharmed. Due to the similarities in chemical structures between gossypol and mycotoxin molecules, mycotoxin adsorbent is a candidate in such application. This research studied the adsorption of gossypol on two types of mycotoxin binders: Calibrin-A and Calibrin-Z. Experiments were carried out in phosphate buffers. HPLC was used to quantify gossypol concentrations. Results showed that these two mycotoxin adsorbents both bound gossypol at high dosage (e.g. 90 mg / 20 mL, and 2 ppm gossypol).


Gossypol Cottonseed oil Binder


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