  • 學位論文


Photocatalytic Degradation of Plasma Display Panel Wastewater

指導教授 : 許垤棊


電漿顯示器(PDP)的廢水包括:重金屬廢水、COD廢水和一般廢水。COD廢水的有機物濃度很高(>10000 ppm),其中含有一些苯環結構或樹脂類的化合物,這些化合物的生物降解率很差,因此用活性污泥處理電漿顯示器廢水時,只能分解其中大約50-60%的有機物,而且分解速率很低。本研究主要是利用光觸媒預先處理電漿顯示器的COD廢水,預先分解一些生物很難降解的有機物。光觸媒主要以TiO2和UVA為主,Anatase形態的TiO2光觸媒粉末以懸浮的方式,添加於廢水中,於攪拌過程,利用紫外燈照射。分別對於乙基纖維、香油腦、丙烯類樹脂、丁基醚醋酸乙酯等PDP廢水成分照射不同時間,觀察酸鹼度及廢水的化學需氧量的改變。


Wastewaters from the Plasma Display Panel (PDP) plant falls into three categories: heavy metal wastewater, COD wastewater and general wastewater. The COD wastewater had more than 10,000 ppm of COD, in which there were large amounts of non-biodegradable compounds such as resins and those containing phenyl structures. The biodegradability of the COD wastewater was nearly 50-60%. This wastewater may undergo photocatalysis thereby non-biodegradable compounds are preliminarily decomposed, making the biodegradability of the COD wastewater strongly enhanced. The present proposal was engaged in the pretreatment of the PDP wastewater by photocatalysis. The primary photocatalyst used in this study was anatase-form crystalline TiO2 and UVA was used as a light source. Small particles of TiO2 were suspended in the wastewaters consisted of one of the organic compounds including ethyl cellulose, terpineol, acrylic copolymer and 2-butoxyethyl acetate, and were illuminated by UV light under stirred and aerated conditions for various periods of irradiation time. During irradiation the pH and COD of the wastewaters were monitored.


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