  • 學位論文


Evaluation Research of Telecare Service System In Community

指導教授 : 陳錦杏 教授


近年來資訊科技在醫療產業上的運用蓬勃發展,使得醫療照護上有新的改變,遠距照護服務就是重要改革的其中之一。遠距照護結合社區服務應具有實用的價值存在。故本研究以實證的方式希望探討社區民眾對遠距照護服務系統之可接受度及遠距照護服務系統對社區民眾健康自我管理行為之成效分析。本研究採用立意取樣,以台中市北屯區三光里及東光里參與社區健康營造活動之民眾為對象,建置一社區遠距照護服務系統供民眾運用。依民眾需求建置一套完整的遠距照護服務系統之環境,包含:遠距照護量測儀器之提供、生理數值之量測、及遠距照護網站之運用,由研究者與志工一同引導民眾實際於社區與家中自行運用遠距照護服務網站內之歷史生理紀錄查詢及瀏覽網站內訊息。3個月後,進行系統的接受度及系統對健康自我管理行為之成效問卷調查。使用的統計方式有獨立樣本t檢定、變異數分析、皮爾森相關係數及迴歸分析。有效樣本共22份。問卷信度結果:科技接受模式量表之Cronbach''s α為0.84;健康自我管理行為量表之Cronbach''s α為0.89,信度良好。研究對象中女性佔68.2%為多數;社區民眾在使用社區遠距照護服務系統後,對於系統接受度情形及健康自我管理行為成效方面皆有正向感受;「曾經是否聽過遠距照護服務系統」不同的民眾在「自覺有用性」有顯著差異情形;其他不同背景民眾對於系統接受度部分並無顯著差異。此外在健康自我管理行為成效部分,「執行疾病相關醫療活動」與不同「學歷」有顯著差異情形,其中國中、小大於高中職民眾;「疾病是否有固定追蹤」不同情形之民眾對於「健康責任」與「人際關係」有顯著差易情形;相關結果呈現「自覺易用性」與「自覺有用性」對「使用態度」有顯著正相關、「使用態度」及「使用意願」有顯著正相關;以迴歸分析方式歸納出在自覺有用性的部分較自覺易用性影響使用意願更為顯著。「自覺有用性」與「使用態度」之間有0.545的強烈的相關係數。本研究印證民眾對於社區遠距照護服務的系統接受程度正面,同時也認為社區遠距照護服務系統可以提升民眾健康自我管理行為對自己帶來幫助。未來相關單位在規劃社區遠距照護服務系統時,可予以參考。國內外已有許多文獻證實使用遠距健康照護是具有健康及成本效益的優勢。建議相關主管單位可朝民眾健康照護的成效作為思考之方向,將遠距照護普及至社區能讓更多民眾享受到便利、可近性的照護服務。


In recent years, information technology’s vigorous development in its application in medical industry has led to a new change in healthcare, and telecare service is one of those important reformations. The combination of telecare and community service shall have a practical value. Hence, by an empirical way, the research expected to explore community residents’ acceptance to telecare service system and telecare service system’s effects on community residents’ self-health-management, and did the analysis. The research adopted purposive sampling, took the people that participated in the community health construction activity in Sanguang Village and Dongguang Village, Beitun District, Taichung City as subjects, established a community telecare service system for the people to utilize, and constructed the environment of a set of complete telecare service system according to people’s demands, including the provision of measuring instruments of telecare, the measurement of physiological values, and the application of telecare website; the researcher and the volunteers guided the people to practically use the historical physiological record inquiry in the telecare service website in the community and their houses by themselves and surf the information in the website, and three months later, the questionnaire survey of the system’s acceptance and the system’s effects on self-health-management was carried out. The statistical methods used were independent-sample t-test, ANOVA, Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient, and regression analysis. There were 22 valid samples. The results of the questionnaire’s reliability: The Cronbach’s αof technology acceptance model scale was 0.84, and the Cronbach’s αof self-health-management behavior scale was 0.89, both with good reliability.Among the research subjects, females occupied 68.2%, and they were the majority; after using the community telecare service system, the community residents had a positive feeling for the system’s acceptance and the effects of self-healthcare behavior; different people with the answer of yes or no to the question of “Have you heard about telecare service system before” had a significant difference in “perceived usefulness;” other people of varied background had no significant difference in system’s acceptance. Besides, at the part of self-health-management behavior effect, there was a significant difference between “Executing a medical activity related to illness” and different “educational background,” and the difference of junior high school and elementary school was greater than that of (vocational) senior high school; different people with the answer of yes or no to the question of “Whether the illness was regularly tracing” had a significant difference in “responsibility of health” and “interpersonal relationship;” the relevant results showed that “perceived ease of use” and “perceived usefulness” were significantly positive correlated with “attitude toward use,” and “attitude toward use” was significantly positive correlated with “willingness to use;” the induction in the way of regression analysis was that: comparing to perceived ease of use, the part of perceived usefulness had a more conspicuous influence on willingness to use. Between “perceived usefulness” and “attitude toward use,” there was an intense correlation coefficient of 0.545. The research proved that the people’s degree of acceptance for the community telecare service system was positive; meanwhile, they thought the community telecare service system could promote the people’s self-health-management behavior, and bring help to themselves. The research hoped that when planning the community telecare service system in the future, the related unit could take it as reference. There has been a lot of domestic or overseas literature proving that using telecare has the advantages of health and cost-benefit. The research suggested that the relevant competent authorities take the people’s healthcare effect as the direction of thinking, and make telecare be popularized in the community so as to enable more people to enjoy the convenient healthcare service with accessibility.


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