  • 期刊


Genetic Diversity Analysis of Bletilla Species Using RAPD Technique


本研究以RAPD(random amplified polymorphic DNA)分子標誌對採集自台灣不同地區之台灣白及以及白及屬之不同種原共25個樣品進行分析,據此結果對台灣地區的台灣白及以及其近緣種原進行親緣關係與遺傳相似性評估。經由80個RAPD引子進行初步篩選,選出12個具高再現性與多型性條帶表現的引子,以此引子進行PCR反應總共獲165個片段,其中161個為多型性片段,多型性百分率為97.6%。以UPGMA(unwighted pair-group mean arithmetical)法進行親緣分析結果顯示,參試的25個白及樣品可區分為中國、日本與台灣3大群,而台灣不同地理位置採集之白及可再區分成5個小群,離島之蘭嶼白及被分在台灣白及群組內,推測蘭嶼白及與台灣本島之台灣白及應為同種。依據台灣白及所呈現之遺傳相似度,推論影響台灣白及親緣關係之因素可能為山脈阻隔所造成。


Genetic makers of random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) were used to analyze 25 samples containing different species in Bletilla genus and B. formosana collected from different regions of Taiwan. A total 12 primers with high reproduction was screened from 80 RAPD primers for consecutive experiments. A total of 165 DNA fragments was detected, among them, 161 markers (97.6%) were polymorphic. Three major groups of Bletilla genus from China, Japan, and Taiwan were separated according to unwighted pair-group mean arithmetical (UPGMA) analysis in this study. Five sub-groups of B. fomosana were classified and Bletilla species collected from Lanyu Island was found in the same group of Taiwan. It assumed that Bletilla formosana (Hayata) Schltr. f. kotoensis (Hayata) T. P. Lin is the same species with B. fomosana. The geographical barrier of mountains was presumed for constituting the genetic differentiation among ethnic groups of B. formosans in Taiwan.


RAPD Bletilla Genetic diversity Molecular marker
