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Evaluation of Flower Thinning Applied to Yardlong Bean Production



Due to fungal infection, using fungicide on yardlong bean during the harvest period is unavoidable. Application of fungicide caused fungicide residue on mature pods, as a result, the pods could not meet the recommended standards for edible period. In this study, we used flower thinning technique by spraying fungicide at juvenile pod stage instead of mature pod stage. The influence of flower thinning on yield of yardlong bean was evaluated. The results demonstrated that accumulative yield of 7-d interval of flower thinning treatment was significantly higher than 10-d interval. Hand thinning stimulated flower formation. The weekly yield of flower thinning treatment showed no significant difference compared to no thinning treatment. The trial attempted to improve hand flower thinning practice for saving labor cost. In consideration of food safety, organic materials were used as flower thinning agent in this study. The flowers dropped or delayed growth without leaves burning after treating organic material B. Phosphorus acid and potassium hydroxide mixture could effectively substitute hand flower thinning in yardlong bean production. However, the efficacy of flower thinning was affected by climatic interference in the field such as rain. The results indicated that the better ratio of phosphorus acid to potassium hydroxide was 1 : 0.7 and the mixture had a potential to use as flower thinning agent.


長豇豆在收穫期間無可避免因罹病而需要噴施殺菌劑,當此成熟豆莢尚未達到農藥推薦使用之安全期標準而予以採收,極易有藥劑殘留於豆莢的情形。本研究中藉由疏花操作來創造幼莢階段,以提供噴施殺菌劑的機會,並評估疏花對長豇豆產量的影響。結果顯示,間隔7 d疏花一次,其產量顯著較間隔10 d疏花一次為高;在花朵量與產量方面,每週產量在相同種植株距中,人工疏花處理與不處理者幾乎無顯著的差異,但經由人工疏花可刺激更多花量的生成,且其總累積產量則有較佳的趨勢。此試驗中亦試圖改善因人工疏花導致勞力成本耗費的情形,在考量食品安全的前提下利用有機資材作為疏花劑,經處理有機資材B後,花朵呈現掉落或延遲生長,且無葉部燒傷現象,此亞磷酸和氫氧化鉀的混合物可有效地替代人工疏花。然而,疏花的有效性易受下雨等天候的干擾,該混合物在混合比率1:0.7的情形下具有當作長豇豆疏花劑的潛力。


長豇豆 疏花 產量 亞磷酸 氫氧化鉀
