  • 期刊

Anatomy and Taxonomy of Satsuma Succincta (Adams, 1866) and Satsuma Batanica Pancala (Schmacker & Boettger, 1891) (Gastropoda: Camaenidae) from Southern Taiwan



產於高雄的小菱蝸牛的分類一直有爭議,作者解剖了高雄壽山的小菱蝸牛、香港的皺疤堅螺Camaena cicatricosa和屏東恆春墾丁的班卡拉蝸牛,這三種蝸牛都顯示缺乏陰莖盲囊(陰莖附屬肢)。堅螺屬(Camaena屬)的種類的雄性生殖器顯示有一膨大部分內有長錐形的陰莖突緣,外殼有大的胎殼、鍛錘狀表面、覆蓋住的臍孔與多條紋模式;而小菱蝸牛與班卡拉蝸牛的雄性生殖器表面平滑沒有膨大部分,或是呈現轉彎而略有膨大部分,內部有扁盤狀到矮圓丘狀的陰莖突緣,外殼有細生長紋表面、部分覆蓋住的臍孔與四條紋模式,因此後兩種不應該屬於堅螺屬。由於小菱蝸牛與班卡拉蝸牛的外殼形態與生殖器形態仍然是屬於薩摩蝸屬(Satsuma屬)的變異,作者建議本種仍舊歸類於薩摩蝸屬,而Pancala視為薩摩蝸屬的異名。


解剖 分類 小菱蝸牛 班卡拉蝸牛


The taxonomic status of the land snail Satsuma succincta remains unclear. The author dissected Satsuma succincta collected from Kaohsiung and the other two species, Camaena cicatricosa and Pancala batanica pancala, which have similar reproductive systems. All the three species lack penial appendix. Camaena species demonstrate a swollen portion outside and a long-conic verge inside the penis, large embryonic whorl, malleated shell surface, covered umbilicus and multiple bands on whorl, whereas S. succincta and Pancala spp. have smooth or angled exterior and a small verge of disc- or knoll-like inside, finely striated shell surface, partly covered umbilicus and only 4 bands on whorl. These differences indicate that the latter two species are not allied to Camaena. Owing to the characters of shell and reproductive system of S. succincta and Pancala are among the variability of Satsuma; I suggest that the two groups are members of the genus Satsuma, and Pancala is a synonym of Satsuma.


Wu, S. P. (2007). 臺灣地區樹棲性南亞蝸牛科白高腰蝸牛群系統分類與親緣關係研究 [doctoral dissertation, National Taiwan University]. Airiti Library. https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2007.00767
