  • 期刊

The Ambient Concentrations and Major Sources of Ethylene in Taipei City



本研究之目的在探討台北都會區大氣中的乙烯,大氣污染氣體係由手提採樣器採樣於空氣採樣袋,再利用HP6890氣相層析儀配合火燄離子偵測器(GC/FID)進行乙烯濃度的測量。採樣分析結果發現位於重要道路旁之乙烯最高濃度達230 ppb,且以交通尖峰時間最高。四種機動車輛中以二行程機車排放乙烯最高,高達8690 ppb,柴油公車則不排放任何乙烯。研究顯示大氣中乙烯濃度已會對某些敏感植物造成傷害。又經由初步推估,顯示汽油車已逐漸成為乙烯污染的主要來源。本研究對臺北都會區乙烯污染的進一步研究可提供一個重要的基礎。


The purpose of this study is to determine the ambient concentrations of ethylene (C2H4) in Taipei city. A HP6890 gas chromatograph with flame ionization detector (FID) was used to measure the ethylene concentrations in the air from the sampling bags. Results showed that the highest concentration of ambient ethylene was 230 ppb in roadside area in the city. Ethylene concentrations showed a diurnal change with higher concentrations during the rush hours. Among four types of vehicle, the two-stroke motorcycles emitted the highest concentration of ethylene, with a mean of 8690 ppb. The diesel buses did not emit any ethylene gas. These results revealed that the present ambient concentrations of ethylene in Taipei city are high and harmful to sensitive plants. We found that gasoline cars are becoming the most important sources of ethylene in Taipei. This study will supply a knowledge basis for Taiwan EPA to ameliorate the ethylene pollution in Taipei and other urban areas.


