

台灣目前有確切紀錄的地鶇屬(Zoothera)鳥類為普通冬候鳥白氏地將(Zootheraaurea)和俗稱為小虎鶇之稀有留烏虎斑地鶇指名亞種(Zoothera dauma dauma),但後者在台灣的基礎生活史和族群狀況資訊非常缺乏。2015年,我們於溪頭自然教育園區觀察數隻小虎鶇蒐集大量蚯蚓,並發現一繁殖巢,巢中有三隻幼鳥。我們於繁殖季結束後測量烏巢和巢位的基礎資訊,該巢於柳杉人工林內,於樹高21.5m,胸高直徑53cm的柳杉枝條上, 直接使用崖薑蕨(Pseudodrynaria coronans)為巢,巢高為14.8m。虎斑地鶇奄美亞種(Zothera dauma major)亦主要以蚯蚓育雛,並直接使用鳥巢蕨為巢,小虎鶇的行為與其相似,蚯蚓及崖薑蕨可能是共重要的繁殖資源。虎斑地鶇其他的亞種於天然林的巢高約3m,本巢位這14.8 m,可能是柳杉人工林下層無崖薑蕨生長且覆蓋度低所致。溪頭自然教育園區可能具有穩定的小虎鶇族群,但全台灣目擊紀錄稀少,其族群量可能不大,應加強其基礎生活史的研究, 以訂定適當的保育措施。


There are two species of Zoothera recorded in Taiwan, the common wintering Zoothera aurea and the rare, enigmatic resident Zoothera dauma dauma. Information about the life history and status of Z. d. dauma is very limited. In 2015, we discovered several Z. d. dauma collecting earthworms and building a nest (with three nestlings) in Xitou Nature Education Area (XNEA), central Taiwan. After breeding season, we measured the nest and the nest site. The adults directly nested on a Pseudodrynaria coronans (height = 14.8 m) located on a branch of Cryptomeria japonica (tree height = 21.5 m, DBH = 53 cm) in the C. japonica plantation. This is similar with Z. d. major, the endemic Zoothera on Amami-Oshima Island, which also feeds their nestlings by earthworms and nests on Asplenium nidus directly. Our findings suggest that the abundance of earthworms and epiphytic ferns might be important resources for Z. d. dauma and Z. d. major. Comparing to the other subspecies of Z. dauma, which builds nests within the understory (ca. 3 m) of native forests, the height of our nest was higher. This could be due to the lack of epiphytic fern and less coverage in the understory of Cryptomeria plantations. The population of Z. d. dauma might be stable in XNEA; however, records of this species are still very rare in Taiwan. Understanding its life history and status is important for planning further conservation strategies.
