  • 期刊

Erosion Hazard Assessment in Forest and Land Rehabilitation for Managing the Tambun Watershed in Sulawesi, Indonesia


In forest and land rehabilitation (FLR), the watershed is the major unit of watershed management. Furthermore, the watershed approach is the basis of FLR evaluations, which include evaluations of hydrology, land erosion, and other environmental factors. Currently, sustainable FLR planning is in the development stage. The present research was conducted to identify the erosion hazard level as a result of FLR performed on the Tambun Watershed in Central Sulawesi, Indonesia. Analysis of the erosion hazard level was conducted using the USLE equation. The results of this research revealed that FLR performed in a community forest and nursery, where Paraserianthes falcataria and Palaquium obovatum trees had been planted, had not been able to reduce the rate of soil erosion. Happen increase in soil erosion from 955.63 ton/ha/year (prior to FLR) to 1,097.52 ton/ha/year (after FLR). This was because these two types of plants were broad-leaved. Therefore, selecting the right type of plant is necessary. In particular, needle-leaved plants should be used in FLR activities to minimize soil erosion.


erosion watershed rehabilitation forest land


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