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Fossil Chondrichthyes fishes of Chia-hsien, Kaoshung County, Taiwan



本報告計描述臺灣省高雄縣甲仙鄉所產軟骨魚類化石六種.這是甲仙軟骨魚類化石的首次報告。此地共發現台六種軟骨魚牙的化石。化石產地是甲仙的四德化石區。魚類化石經研究分析結果計有以下六種:1.劉氏半鋸鯊(Hemipristis liui n. sp.), 2. 巨噬人鯊(Carcharodon megalodon (Agassiz, 1835),3. 鲭鯊lsurus hastalis (Agassiz, 1838),4. 錐齒鯊(未定種) Odontaspis sp.,5 真鯊(未定種) Carcharhinus sp.,6 半鋸鯊Hemipristis serra Agassiz,1843等。牠們屬於1綱,2目,4科,5屬.其中最為特別的是巨噬人鯊Carcharodon megalodon (Agassiz, 1835)牙齒呈三角形,長為10.37 cm,寬6.63 cm,牙齒厚重,左側邊緣小鋸齒有110個右側緣有小鋸齒90個,是十分稀有的標本。新種劉氏半鋸鯊(Hemipristis liui n. sp.),牙呈長三角形長2.90 cm,寬2.05 cm,是一個形態特別的魚牙。因為在齒的兩側切緣有明顯小鋸齒向上生長,定為半鋸鯊屬。小鋸齒明顯.,呈不規則的小簇分佈,共分站三簇,不僅是鋸齒簇左右不對稱,鋸齒構造及排列方式也與其他半鋸鯊的牙不同,因此訂為新種。第三種鲭鮫 Isurus hastafis (Agassiz,1838)為等腰三角形,兩切緣光滑無鋸齒為其特徵。第四種是錐齒鯊(未定種) (Odontaspis sp.);齒冠尖端強力後彎,齒冠與齒根寬度接近是此屬的特徵。第五種是真鯊(未定種)(Carcharhinus sp.),為一扁平寬闊的三角形牙齒,但齒端強有力彎曲而寬廣的齒冠,正示此屬魚牙的特徵。第六種是半鋸鯊(Hemipristis serra, Agassiz, 1843),,為一扁平的三角形牙齒,齒冠寬大於長度,齒切緣的小鋸齒主要向上傾斜為此種的特徵。感謝曾德明先生提供了本研究報告所用的標本。研究標本存於甲仙鄉化石館中,標本代號是KCM。它們的地質年代屬中新世,桂竹林層。


臺灣高雄 中新世 鯊魚牙齒


The present report describes 6 specimens of fossil shark teeth. They are: Hemiprist is liui n. sp., Carcharodon megalodan (Agassiz 1835), Hemiprist is serr Agassiz, 1843, Isurus hastalis (Agassiz 1838). Odontaspis sp., Carcharhinus sp of which five species are new record.... and one is a new species. Among them the Carcharodon megaiodon tooth is the largest one found in Taiwan island with a maximal length of 10.37 cm. The new species Hemipristis liui. is based on a single tooth. It is characterized by the asymmetry of the two sides of the tooth and the arrangement of the small serrations into three groups, one on the left and two on the right cutting edges. The name of the new species is in honor of Mr. Liu, K F. for his contribution to the Chiashian County paleontology Museum. The fossil locality is recovered from Chiashian County, Kaoshung Hsicn, south Taiwan. Thanks also to Mr. Tseng, D. M. tor collecting these interesting fossil shark teeth and lending to us for study. The geological age of the fossil bearing the Kuei-chu-lin Formation is of Miocene. The specimens are deposited in the Chia-hsien County Paleontology Museum.


Kaoshung Taiwan Fossil shark teeth Miocene
