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Composition of the Soil Seed Bank and its Effects on Forest Restoration in Beikeng, Zhukeng Area of Dadu Terrace, Taichung




The physiognomic vegetation of Beikeng, the Zhukeng area in Dadu terrace, is a mosaic of forests, savannas, and grasslands. The forest has gradually degraded due to the frequent occurrence of fires. A seed germination method was used to investigate the soil seed bank composition of four plant communities, namely Cinnamomum camphora plantation, Acacia confusa plantation, Panicum maximum-Lantana camara shrub-grassland, and Pa. maximum grassland. The composition relationship between the soil seed bank and aboveground vegetation was investigated, and the seed germination test of A. confusa was performed in the soil of Pa. maximum grassland that was disturbed after a fire. A total of 899 seedlings were recorded as belonging to 24 spermatophytes in the soil seed bank, and the average seed density was approximately 1,816 grains/m^2. Most of the seeds belonged to the three families, namely Compositae, Rubiaceae, and Gramineae, and Compositae (six species) had the highest number of species. Ninety-two percent of the seed abundance was from herbaceous plants. Among them, Praxelis clematidea, Spermacoce latifolia, and Pa. maximum, three invasive species were the most abundant compositions. The naturalized plants accounted for 41.7% of the species composition and 89.2% of the total seed abundance in the soil seed bank. The soil seed bank had only six native woody plant species, accounting for 5.8% of the total seed abundance, of which the highest level of abundance was of A. confusa. The highest seed density occurred in the Pa. maximum grassland (3,363 grains/m^2), followed by C. camphora plantation (1,503 grains/m^2), A. confusa plantation (1,500 grains/m^2), and Pa. maximum-L. camara (793 grains/m^2). The seeds of the soil seed bank were mainly concentrated in the soil surface. The composition similarity between the soil seed bank and the aboveground vegetation was low: the highest was Pa. maximum-L. camara shrub-grassland (32.3%) and the lowest was A. confusa plantation (13.8%). In the Pa. maximum grassland after a fire, the number of A. confusa seedlings was significantly higher in disturbed soil than in untreated control groups. Our results revealed that naturalized plants were the dominant species of soil seeds in the study area, and these species caused serious invasion of the potential natural vegetation, which would seriously affect the species diversity during the process of natural forest restoration. Because the composition and abundance of native species in the soil seed bank were considerably low, restoration of the study area to the native forest was difficult, even when the frequency of fire was decreased. Moderate involvement of humans in vegetation regeneration processes, such as in native tree afforestation, and the introduction of native plant seeds or propagules into the habitat can facilitate the establishment of forests and increase the diversity of species.


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