

Percutaneous trigger finger release was suggested as early as 1850 by Notta, A.. Without direct visualization, damage to the neurovascular structure is possible. The potential benefits be weighed against the potential risk. Since April, 1994 to May, 1996. Percutaneous release of trigger finger were done in 97 patients, including 23 male 74 female, mean age was 48, there are 65digits in right hand, 37 digits in left, including 63 thumb, 2 index, 30 middle finger and 7 ring finger. All the cases were performed as office procedure, patient sit in front of surgeon, under 2 ml 2% Xylocaine, a 18or 19 gauge needle is placed perpendicular to palm skin and touch down to Al pulley, cut the hypertrophied pulley longitudinally, till the locking or snapping disappear. There is no nerve injury, 10 cases with subcutaneous hematoma, but no circulatory problem, 3 incomplete release that needs second procedure. All cases improved except one case with Rheumatoid arthritis and combined with hyperuricemia, the did not subside until anti-gout therapy carried out.


trigger fringer tenosynovitis
