  • 期刊


Fortresses along the Huai: Use and Control of Regional Military Power by the Southern Song


南宋時代,淮河是宋朝防禦金蒙的前線,也是邊防佈置的主力所在。不過,正規軍的屯駐,只能作點的部署,而更戍制度的實施,也使軍隊難以掌握兩淮特殊的地理形勢,發揮防禦功能;反之,據守山水寨的自衛武力,在宋與金蒙戰爭的過程中,能掌握地利的優勢,充分運用牽制與游擊的戰力,較能發揮捍禦敵人與防衛鄉里的作用。宋廷為了鞏固邊防,積極編組並訓練這些民間自衛武力,以襄助正規軍,形成捍衛疆土的重要力量。 兩淮山水寨在南宋民間武力中,是具有代表性的武裝團體。它是在戰火瀰漫的環境裡,面對敵人侵凌而有家破人亡、喪失田產之虞的兩淮百姓,為捍衛家園,選擇險峻的山水堡寨作為防衛的據點而組成的武裝力量。這些地方武力,仗恃著地利,在金、蒙進犯時,發揮了守衛鄉里、鞏固疆土的作用,也具有穩定時局的意義。 不過,這些民間自衛武力各自獨立,自主性強,以致力量分散,難以匯集成集體的抗敵戰力。同時,由於宋朝強幹弱枝及以正軍制民兵的傳統,使得宋廷在團結民間武力時,曾引起山水寨民兵的反彈;另一方面,邊境地區的百姓,在宋金蒙三方勢力的夾縫中,生活資源匱乏,在面臨生存與發展時,不免以自身的利益為考量,容易引發宋廷的疑懼,造成中央與地方關係的緊張。本文即試圖藉由觀察南宋時代兩淮山水寨武裝力量的發展與演變,對民間自衛武力的組織形態以及朝廷與地方的複雜關係,進行深度的探討與了解。


兩淮山水寨 團結 保伍 萬弩社 自衛武力


The Huai river formed the Song Dynasty's front line of defense against the Jin Mongol, along which were arrayed the major border forces. However, the regular military force could only be deployed spottily, and despite implementing a system of shifting garrisons, the army could not control the region of the Huai, with its distinctive geography. The army could not therefore provide effective defense. On the other hand, protective fortresses maintained by local militia forces, which utilized the geographical advantages, proved very effective during the continued warfare between the Song and the Jin and Mongols. With diversionary and guerilla tactics they managed to guard against enemy attacks and provide defense for their homes. In order to strengthen the border region, the Song court actively organized and trained these local militia forces. With support of the regular army these forces formed an important territorial defensive power. The local fortresses of the popular militia of the Huai region during the Southern Song are representative of such armed groups. Facing enemy incursions, which threatened them with death, destruction and loss of economic livelihood, the anxious population of the Huai region selected strategic points to build defensive fortresses along the rivers and mountains to protect their homes and fields. These local forces, relying on geographical advantages, were effective in guarding against Jin and Mongol incursion and providing defense, had a stabilizing effect on the border region. However, it was difficult to coordinate collective military action by these local militias, with their independent organizations and scattered forces. Moreover, the less than competent attempts by the traditional military organization of the Song court to unite these local forces caused a negative reaction among the militiamen of the local fortresses. Simultaneously, the population of the border regions, wedged between the Song and Jin, in economic dire straits and facing questions of survival, naturally had to consider their own safety first. Thus, suspicions towards the motives of the Song court easily surfaced, straining relations between the center and periphery. By examining the development and changes of the local fortresses along the Huai river during the Southern Song, I will, in this article, try to advance our understanding of the organization of local militia forces and the complex relationship between the Song court and the periphery.


