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Introduction of the Taiwanese Rehabilitation Database System


本文主要的目的是簡介本土發展的一套復健醫療資料庫系統,供職能治療師以及復健醫療專業人士參考。本資料庫系統的主要目標是希望藉由系統化地收集復健科住院病患的個人及臨床相關資訊,以促進機構間治療效率的比較,作為復健醫療成效研究之根據,及進一步醫療品質確保的評估參照指標。 復健醫療有別於其他醫療領域,因為復健強調的是恢復病患最大功能並協助其克服功能缺損以適應社會。由於復健過程往往需時甚久,且需要不同醫療專業人員的合作,因此針對復健領域之醫療成效評鑑方式,也應有別於一般急性病房或其他醫療領域。當前歐美地區均採用資料庫系統以作為評估復健成效及保險給付之參考,然而台灣目前尚缺少這類的資料。為提供健保單位作為復健給付之參考,並邁向實證基礎(Evidence-Based Medicine)的醫療趨勢,此本土化資料庫的發展實為當務之急。 台灣復健醫療資料庫系統共包括三個部分的資料:病患基本資料,病患功能程度指標,以及復健資源、使用指標。在過去三年的發展及資料收集經驗中,經由臨床職能治療師的協助,使得本資料庫的資訊相當豐富,藉本文以介紹此資料庫的概況,發展經驗及限制,提供給相關專業制訂政策與評估成效之依據。


The purpose of the paper is to introduce the development of a medical rehabilitation database system for the occupational therapists and related professionals. The aims of the database system are to facilitate inter-institution comparisons of the intervention efficacy, to conduct further outcome research and to be baseline data for health care reimbursement. The goal of medical rehabilitation is to promote the maximal independence of the persons served. Thus, the process of medical rehabilitation involves multidisciplinary cooperation and requires long-term efforts. Apparently, utilizing different perspectives to assess the efficacy of the rehabilitation programs is needed. Based on the experiences from western countries, database system approach is necessary. However. there is no universal database available in Taiwan. Therefore, the Taiwanese Rehabilitation Database System was established to bridge the gap and provide consistent database for future use in program evaluation and quality assurance. The Taiwanese Rehabilitation Database System consists of three main parts: patient's demographic data; patient's functional ability dataset and related outcome information. From the experiences of establishing the database as well as the clinical data collection, suggestions about the use of the database and limitations will be discussed.
