  • 期刊


On Hung Yao-Shun's Conception of "Absolute Dialectics of Alethiology"




Hung Yao-Shun (1903-1986), one of the major Taiwanese philosophers in the Japanese ruled period, whose research deserves more attention today. My intention in this paper is twofold: First, to clarify some basic concepts of his "absolute dialectics of alethiological dialectics", and secondly to indicate some possible developments of his logic. The paper is divided into five sections. After a brief introduction to the leading question of my paper (section one), I focus on his main philosophical work "Being and Truth - A Study of Schalwa Nuzubidse's Alethiology" published in April 1938 (totally 145 pages). Nuzubidse attempts to explicate the traditional metaphysics as an aletheological realism, aiming at the disclosure of the truth-in-itself. Some of the basic concepts of Nuzubidse's alethiology and Hung's interpretation are discussed here (sections two, three, four). Through these discussions, we can see that Hung goes deeply into the core of Nuzubidse's alethiology and radicalizes his alethiological realism step by step to an "Absolute Dialectics of Alethiology". Finally, Hung's critique on Nuzubidse is discussed in the last section (section five). Hung's project remains an unfinished ideal, which makes some of his creative thoughts still obscure. By explicating his concepts and reinforcing his arguments, some of the possible contributions and new perspectives that Hung provided to philosophy will be expounded in this section.


黃文宏(2016)。〈從西田哲學來看現象學的「超越」問題〉,《臺大文史哲學報》第84 期:143-172。doi: 10.6258/bcla.2016.84.04
Nutsubidze, T., Horn, Cornelia B., Lourié, Basil (eds.) (2014). “Selected Bibliography of Shalva Nutsubidze’s Scholarly Works.” Georgian Christian Thought and Its Cultural Context. Memorial Volume for the 125th Anniversary of Shalva Nutsubidze (1888-1969) (3-10). Leiden: Brill. doi: 10.1163/9789004264274_002
洪耀勳(1938)。〈存在與真理─努出比徹的真理論的一個考察〉(〈存在と真理─ヌツビッゼの真理論の一攷察〉),《哲學科研究年報》第五輯,1938 年(昭和13 年)9 月號:193-337。
