  • 期刊


The Rise and the Retreat of Hsieh Er on the Political Stage of Taiwan (1946-1949)


謝娥是戰後臺灣政壇的傳奇人物,在短短四年內陸續擔任臺北市參議員,制憲國大代表、國民參政員以及立法委員等職,資歷之豐富,婦女界無人能出其右;另一方面,謝娥加入中國國民黨,並積極參與戰後重要人民團體組織的活動,如臺北市人民自由保障委員會,臺灣文化協進會、臺灣省憲政協進會、臺灣省政治建設協會,在政治圈與文化圈內都非常活躍。不過,令人不解的是,在國民黨政府遷臺前夕,謝娥卻捨棄既有的地位與機會,遠赴美國,總計在美定居前後長達四十一年的時間,直到1991年才回到臺灣,1995年病逝於臺北。謝娥決定退出政壇,遠赴海外的原因究竟為何,至今仍然是一個謎。 根據本文研究結果,謝娥憑藉著豐富的人脈關係,在出獄後迅速活躍於政壇上,在短短的四年內,不但擔任多項公職,也在政黨派系之間占有一席之地。在擔任公職方面,謝娥先後擔任臺北市參議員、制憲國大代表、國民參政員以及立法委員等公職,除了國民參政員之外,其餘三項公職均為民選代表,不僅為臺灣婦女參政創造了先例,也塑造了戰後臺灣婦女參政的典範。從謝娥本身提出或參與連署的提案來看,她所關注的議題極為廣泛,除了攸關婦女的權益問題之外,還包括憲法、內政、外交、財政、金融、衛生、環境等議題,而其關心的區域不僅故鄉臺灣,還包含中國其他地區。在政黨派系方面,謝娥於1945年底加入中國國民黨、成為國民黨積極培養的婦女幹部,在國民黨臺灣省黨部與蔣宋美齡的支持下,創立了臺北市婦女會與臺灣省婦女會。成為戰後領導臺灣婦運的翹楚;她同時悠遊於各派系之間,在戰後重要民間團體如臺北市人民自由保障委員會,臺灣文化協進會、臺灣省憲政協進會、臺灣省政治建設協會,都可見到謝娥的身影。謝娥交遊廣闊,不分黨派,因此累積了豐富的人脈關係,造就她在政治上的發展,但在國共詭譎的氛圍中,卻也因此而遭到誤會,甚至遠走他鄉,背負未盡民意代表職責之罵名。


Hsieh Er was a legendary figure on the political stage of Taiwan after the Sino-Japanese War. Within a short period of four years, she became a member of the legislative body in Taipei, a member of the National Assembly, a member of the People’s Government Participation Council, and a legislator in the Parliament. Her achievement was nothing to be compared by any woman of the time. Hsieh Er was also a member of the Kuomintang, and played important roles in a variety of political and cultural organizations, e.g., People's Freedom Guarantee Committee of Taipei, Taiwan Cultural Association, Constitutional Reform Association of Taiwan, Political Reconstruction of Taiwan. However, it was not clear why she chose to leave for USA at the highest point of her career, and stayed there for 41 years. She returned to Taiwan in 1991 and passed away in 1995. Her resignation from politics still remains a mystery until today. We have found out that after Hsieh was discharged from prison, she became very active in politics, and had very good connections in the political circle. She was not only able to take many important positions within four years, but could also move freely among different parties. She was outstanding in public services, emerging as a pioneer on the political stage and setting a good example for women in Taiwan in this aspect as well. From the many proposals she submitted or supported in her civil service, we can see that her concerns were quite diverse-from the rights and the interests of women to constitution, internal and external affairs, finance and banking, sanitation and environment, etc. Her concerns extended far beyond her hometown to many places in mainland China too. As for political party activities, she joined the KMT in 1945 and became an important member in the women's cadre of the party. With the support of the party and of Soong May-ling (Madame Chiang Kai-shek), she founded Taipei Women's Association and Taiwan Women's Association, establishing her status as the leader of women in Taiwan. Furthermore, she had also established good relationships with people other than her political partys and was able to take position in many civil organizations, e.g., the Committee for the Protection of People's Freedom, Taiwan Cultural Association, Constitutional Reform Association of Taiwan, and Political Reconstruction of Taiwan. Her ability to maintain good connections with people of different walks certainly made a great contribution to her successful career in politics. But at a critical moment when the strife between KMT and Chinese Communists worsened, she was frequently misunderstood because of this particular strength. Finally, her strength became a fatal blow: she had but to give up her career, left her hometown and went into exile. She had to bear all sorts of blames and reproaches from her homeland.


《國民政府檔案》(臺北,國史館藏)0010120710412,〈省縣市參議會組織法令案(六) 〉。
