  • 期刊

Multiple-Session Percutaneous Sclerotherapy with Alcohol is a Safe and Effective Treatment for Symptomatic Simple Renal Cysts



研究目的:評估利用95%酒精的多次硬化療法來治療簡單型腎臟囊腫的安全性和效益。 材料與方法:從1998年3月到2001年9月,共有19個病人因為有造成症狀的簡單型腎臟囊腫接受經皮抽吸治療或合併使用硬化治療。7個病人只接受抽吸治療,而有13個病人在接受抽吸治療後合併使用三次的酒精硬化治療。酒精硬化治療是將酒精打入囊腫內,並留置60分鐘,然後每隔24小時重複1次治療,共重複2次。 結果:平均追蹤時間為11個月(範圍3到21,中位數10)。兩組病人的平均囊腫直徑是相似的(6.5vs.7.3公分,p=0.30)。在只有接受抽吸治療這一組,平均囊腫直徑減少21%,而且沒有任何一位病人囊腫直徑減少超過原來的一半。接受硬化治療這一組,平均囊腫直徑減少96%,所有病人(100%)囊腫直徑減少超過原來的一半,並且有11個病人(86%)囊腫完全消失。此外,兩組都沒有併發症。 結論:使用95%酒精的多次硬化治療會造成症狀的簡單型腎臟囊腫不但安全、有效,而且能被大多數病人接受。對於有症狀的簡單型腎臟囊腫病人,可以當作第一線的治療。


腎囊腫 硬化治療 酒精


OBJECTIVE: We evaluated the safety and effectiveness of multiple-session percutaneous sclerotherapy with 95% sterile alcohol for symptomatic simple renal cysts. MATERIALS AND METHODS: From March 1998 to September 2001, 19 patients with large symptomatic renal cysts underwent percutaneous aspiration with or without sclerotherapy. Seven patients underwent simple aspiration only, and 12 received 3 sessions of sclerotherapy with 95%sterile alcohol after aspiration of the cystic fluid. In the sclerotherapy group, alcohol was injected into the renal cysts and retained for 60 minutes in each session; this was then repeated twice at 24-hour intervals. RESULTS: The mean follow-up period was 11 (range, 3 to 21; median, 10) months, the mean cystic diameter was similar in the aspiration therapy group and the sclerotherapy group (65vs. 7.3 cm, p = 0.30). In the aspiration therapy group, the mean reduction in cystic diameter was 21%, and no patient had a reduction of cystic diameter of more that half of the original diameter. In the sclerotherapy group, the mean reduction in cystic diameter was 96%. All patients (100%) had a reduction of cystic diameter of more than half, and 11 (86%) had complete cyst regression. No complications were noted in either treatment group. CONCLUSION: Multiple-session percutaneous sclerotherapy with 95%sterile alcohol for symptomatic simple renal cysts in safe, cost-effective, and well tolerated by most patients. It can be used as first-line treatment.


kidney cystics sclerotherapy alcohol
