  • 期刊

The Expression of Dally-like (Dlp) is Inhibited by Wingless Signaling and Then Shapes the Wingless Gradient Formation

Dally-like(Dlp)的表現受到Wingless signaling的抑制進而影響到Wingless濃度梯度的成形



形態決定素Wingless(Wg)是分泌性的蛋白質並具有訊息傳遞的能力,其於組織中所形成的濃度梯度可以將細胞催化爲不同的分化類群。近來研究顯示:座落於細胞膜上的多醣蛋白HSPGs,對於Wg在目標區域中的散佈有著重要的穩定作用,並影響到Wg濃度梯度之塑型。我們發現HSPGs中的一個重要成員Dally-like(Dlp)protein在果蠅翅牒的Dorsal-ventral(D-V)界線上幾乎不存在,這種特殊的模式暗示了分泌於D-V界線的Wg可能傳遞著抑制Dlp表現的信息。我們測試了幾個保守出現於Wg signaling pathway的成員,證實了這個假設。由於Dlp扮演著調節Wg分佈的功能,Wg很可能藉由抑制Dlp的表現以修正本身濃度梯度的成形。另外,越來越多證據顯示Dlp爲另一條訊息傳遞路徑(Hh signaling)的co-receptor;我們指出Dlp可以接受Wg signal的調控而反應於Hh signalresponse,使兩條路徑間得以溝通。


Morphogen Wingless (Wg) is a secreted protein with signal transduction ability and the concentration gradient of Wg on the target filed could group cells into distinct cell fates. Recent reports show that a kind of membrane anchoring proteoglycan, HSPGs, can stabilize the extracellular Wg and in turn shapes the concentration gradient of Wg during development. We discover that Dally-like (Dlp), an important component of HSPGs, cannot be detected along the Dorsal-ventral (D-V) boundary on Drosophila wing discs. The D-V boundary is also the vary region where Wg expressed and secreted from, which implies that Wg may signal cells to inhibit Dlp expression. Since Dlp can help Wg to spread over the wing disc, Wg may auto-shape itself concentration gradient by inhibiting the expression of Dlp. Besides, more and more evidences show that Dlp is a co-receptor in another signaling pathway, Hh signaling pathway. So we claim that Dlp can be regulated by Wg signaling then reflect this response to Hh signaling and link the two pathways together.


Drosophylla Wingless Wg HSPGs gradient Dally-like protein Dlp
