  • 期刊


The Critical Mass and the Gendered Power in the Committees of the Legislative Yuan




This study explores the relationship between gender and power within the committees of the Legislative Yuan. We divide our discussions of gender and power into two main sections: firstly, in terms of the concept of power, we redefine it from the gender perspective, and classify two types of gender power: domination and empowerment style. Secondly, we examine the possible factors in explaining the different patterns of gender power, among those factors some are gender relevant, including biological sex differences of the committee chairpersons and the gender dynamics of committee composition, whereas some are not gender relevant, including committee norms, rules and procedures. In short, this paper attempts to explore the core question: what are the main factors in explaining gender power difference, and whether the gender proportion of the committee composition has any effect on the operating pattern of committee power. To answer these questions, this study analyses government gazettes and adopts qualitative and quantitative approaches to grasp the gender pattern of the committee power in the Legislative Yuan.


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