  • 期刊


Suppression of Radiation Mucositis in Nasopharyngeal Cancer Patients: A Randomized Study of Local Application-Salcoat Versus Dexaltin


放射線口腔黏膜炎是放射線治療頭頸部癌的一項限制因素,黏膜炎嚴重的時候,常使放射線治療中斷,為了研究噴霧劑Beclomethasone dipropionate (salcoat)是否有效抑制放射線黏膜炎,將50例未接受治療的鼻咽癌患者,經隨機取樣分配成試驗組(25例用Salcoat 50μg QD)及對照組(25例用Dexaltin 120μg QD)。所有患者均自第六次放射治療時,開始每天接受局部用藥一次,效果的評估依1.黏膜炎疼痛的程度、時間2.黏膜炎的部位多寡及發生時間3.黏膜炎程度及發生的時間4.黏膜炎疼痛的消失、黏膜炎程度、部位和消失時間早晚等來量度比較。經過統計分析發現,Salcoat較Dexaitin在減輕疼痛的程度、減輕疼痛所需的時間、黏膜炎疼痛的消失時間、黏膜炎部位多寡、黏膜炎消失時間等,在統計學上均屬有意義的優越性。


鼻咽癌 放射治療 黏膜炎 Salcoat


Radiation-induced oral mucositis is a restricting factor while treating head and neck cancers. It is well known that radiation therapy (R/T) often been interruped while oral mucositis aggravated. To study if Beclomethasone dipropionate an effective drug in the suppression of radiation mucositis. Fifty untreated nasopharyngeal cancer (NPC) patients were randomized into experimental group: (25 NPC patients used Salcoat Cap 50 μg QD) and controlled group (25 NPC patients use Dexaltin l20μg QD). Local treatment have been applied to all patients since the 6th time of R/T. The efficacy was evaluated by 1. Onset and degree of pain sensation of mucositis. 2. Onset and sites of mucositis. 3. Onset and degree of mucositis. 4. Disappearance time of pain sensation and mucositis. Salcoat is superior to Dexaltin for relief the degree of pain sensation (P<0.05), time for relief of pain sensation (P<0.01) and time for recovery of mucositis (P<0.001).
