  • 期刊


Effects of Rate of Velocity Development Following the Maximal Eccentric Exercise-Induced Muscle Damage


Purpose: This study tested the hypothesis that the recovery of fast rate of velocity development (RVD; 300°/s, RVD-300) following maximal eccentric exercise-induced muscle damage (EIMD) of the elbow flexors would be slower than that of slow RVD (30°/s, RVD-30). Methods: Ten untrained young men performed 5 sets of 6 maximal eccentric exercises (MAX; 30°/s) of the elbow flexors of the non-dominant arm. Muscle soreness, upper arm circumference (CIR), range of motion (ROM), maximal isokinetic concentric strength at slow (30°/s, MVC-30) and fast (300°/s, MVC-300) angular velocities, and RVD-30 and RVD-300 were measured before to 4 consecutive days after MAX. Results: 1) Development of DOMS, increases in CIR, and decreases in ROM were observed following MAX (p < .05), but these markers had not returned to baseline at 4 days after MAX (p < .05). 2) Immediately after MAX, MVC-30 and MVC-300 decreased significantly, and only MVC-300 had returned to baseline at 4 days after MAX (p > .05). 3) RVD-30 and RVD-300 significantly decreased immediately after MAX, only RVD-30 had returned to baseline at 1 day after MAX (p > .05) while RVD-300 did not return to baseline at 4 days after MAX (p < .05). The recovery of RVD-300 following MAX was slower than that of RVD-30 (p < .05). Conclusions: These results demonstrated that the recovery of RVD-300 following MAX was slower than that of RVD-30, while recovery of MVC-300 after MAX was faster than that of MVC-30. These discrepancies could possibly be related to the extent of the force produced by the concentric strength test and the level of muscle fiber recruitment (nerve activation). Future studies are needed to investigate the mechanisms behind the different recovery rates of MVC and RVD following MAX.


Purpose: This study tested the hypothesis that the recovery of fast rate of velocity development (RVD; 300°/s, RVD-300) following maximal eccentric exercise-induced muscle damage (EIMD) of the elbow flexors would be slower than that of slow RVD (30°/s, RVD-30). Methods: Ten untrained young men performed 5 sets of 6 maximal eccentric exercises (MAX; 30°/s) of the elbow flexors of the non-dominant arm. Muscle soreness, upper arm circumference (CIR), range of motion (ROM), maximal isokinetic concentric strength at slow (30°/s, MVC-30) and fast (300°/s, MVC-300) angular velocities, and RVD-30 and RVD-300 were measured before to 4 consecutive days after MAX. Results: 1) Development of DOMS, increases in CIR, and decreases in ROM were observed following MAX (p < .05), but these markers had not returned to baseline at 4 days after MAX (p < .05). 2) Immediately after MAX, MVC-30 and MVC-300 decreased significantly, and only MVC-300 had returned to baseline at 4 days after MAX (p > .05). 3) RVD-30 and RVD-300 significantly decreased immediately after MAX, only RVD-30 had returned to baseline at 1 day after MAX (p > .05) while RVD-300 did not return to baseline at 4 days after MAX (p < .05). The recovery of RVD-300 following MAX was slower than that of RVD-30 (p < .05). Conclusions: These results demonstrated that the recovery of RVD-300 following MAX was slower than that of RVD-30, while recovery of MVC-300 after MAX was faster than that of MVC-30. These discrepancies could possibly be related to the extent of the force produced by the concentric strength test and the level of muscle fiber recruitment (nerve activation). Future studies are needed to investigate the mechanisms behind the different recovery rates of MVC and RVD following MAX.


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