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An Analysis of the Inheritance of Zhima Craftsmanship and Conventions




As a source of folk arts, zhima appeared very early in history. In one of the scenes depicted in Along the River during the Qingming Festival of Northern Song Dynasty, there is a Wang's zhima shop. In the Ming fiction Water Margins, Dai Zong used zhima to make haste on his trip. Zhima embodies Chinese animism. It is a medium between human and nature. It also reflects the Chinese perception of heaven, religion, and belief. That one can invoke deities with zhima perfectly illustrates the integration of universe and humanity in Chinese philosophy. This important spiritual way of life has continued to this date. In Jiangsu, Yunnan, and Hebei provinces, the ancient art of zhima engraving is still a living tradition and the core of local religious life. This study originated from afterthoughts arisen from application for the inclusion of the Chinese Woodblock Prints' in the List of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanities. Based on actual field investigation in zhima production locations, I analyze the inheritance of traditional folk zhima in different areas, paying special attention to the current handicraftmanship and usage. I discuss how inheritors of various background face circumstances in a time when the concept of intangible cultural heritage becomes more and more prevalent. I also look into Intangible Cultural Heritage candidates that demonstrate strong folklore nature and collectivity, i.e. those that are deeply integrated into daily spiritual and material lives of common people. I argue that if one takes only the inheritance of handicraft into consideration, one will be missing the rich and diverse authenticity of this cultural heritage item.


《陔餘叢考》。[1790] 1957。趙翼。北京:商務印書館。
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