  • 期刊


A Comparison of Handedness Performance in Different Types of Cerebral Palsied Children


本研究目的為瞭解腦性麻痺個案的手側化表現特質,採取調查研究法初探台北市各國小腦性麻痺學童的手側化表現。共有182名個案被各國小推薦,研究者發展出具有兩因素的手側化量表,並請家長填寫,共回收116份(回收率約為64%),當中有101筆資料可用於資料分析。研究結果發現所有腦性麻痺個案的手側化平均商數為34.39,雙邊偏癱、四肢偏癱、與半邊偏癱的手側化商數分別為 53.33、46.59與 .32,以單因子變異數統計方法進一步分析,發現此三類型腦性麻痺個案於手側化表現具有顯著差異,且雙邊偏癱與四肢偏癱慣用手為右手的機率比半邊偏癱高,研究結果支持手側化與不同類型腦性麻痺具有一定的關連性。


慣用手 對稱 不對稱 腦傷


The purpose of this study was to survey the handedness performance in the children with cerebral palsy (CP). One hundred and eighty two cerebral palsied children were referred for study by the primary schools in the Taipei city. Handedness Inventory with two factors was developed and sent to their parents. Response to the survey was 116 (116/182 = 64%) with 101 of them being analyzed in this study. The mean handedness quotient was 34.39. It became 53.33, 46.59, and .32 in diplegias, quadriplegias and hemiplegias, respectively. One-way analysis of variance revealed statistically significant differences among these three types. Quadriplegias and diplegias are with more right-handedness than hemiplegias. Results support the type of CP might correlate with handedness in the children with CP. ( J Rehab Med Assoc ROC 2002; 30(3): 147 - 158 )


hand preference symmetry asymmetry brain injury
