  • 期刊


Further Integration or Drifting Apart? Uncovering the Nature and Influence of the Taiwanese People's Self-Identity under the Circumstances of the Current Cross-Strait Exchange Relationship


從 2008 年馬政府上台以來,台灣人認同年創新高,比綠色政府執政的任何時期還高,有學者便發出「兩岸愈好,台灣認同反而高」的評論。本文旨在探究:台灣民眾身分認同的基礎是什麼?兩岸的廣泛交流,究竟對台灣民眾身分認同有何影響?本文在「國族主義式認同」之理論架構下、輔以群際關係理論,建構分析模型與測量變數。經運用「結構方程模型」、進行電話訪問資料分析後發現,國族認同的確為當前形塑台灣民眾身分認同的主要因素,而接觸會對於強調群際差異的國族認同產生修正影響,儘管這項修正仍不足以撼動原先身分認同與國族認同的基本立場。這項研究除在理論上強化傳統感性認同因素的解釋外,亦對兩岸民眾大幅交流的影響提出觀察。


Since President Ma's inauguration in 2008, the number of people who recognize themselves to be Taiwanese has been on the increase, and it has become higher than it ever was during Chen Shui-bian's administration. Some scholars have commented that "with the improvement in the cross-Strait relationship, the Taiwanese identity is in fact growing stronger." The purpose of this article is to provide an in-depth investigation into the following questions: What is the basis of the Taiwanese people's self-identification? What is the actual impact on the self-identification of the Taiwanese public following the process of extensive exchange in the Taiwan Strait? The research hypothesis and variables in this paper are designed under the theoretical frameworks of "the nationalist self-identity" and, in addition, "intergroup relation theory" which examines group identification. Through employing the "structural equation model" (SEM) and analyzing data obtained from telephone interviews, it was discovered that two competing national identities are important factors in shaping the Taiwanese people's self-identity. Subjects lacking previous contact or experience with Mainland China tend to feel stronger differentiation between the two identities. However, if subjects are more familiar with Mainland China, their national identity, which emphasizes the difference between Taiwanese and Chinese, will be modified. The modification will not, however, change their original national identity. This study not only strengthens the conventional approach of emotional/symbolic identity analysis, but also observes the impacts of the very comprehensive cross- Strait relationship.


王甫昌(2003)。當代台灣社會的族群想像。台北=Taipei:群學=Socio Publishing。
台灣選舉與民主化調查,2012,〈2009 年至 2012 年「台灣選舉與民主化調查」 三年期研究規劃(III):2012 年總統與立法委員選舉面訪案(TEDS2012)〉,http://www.tedsnet.org/cubekm1/front/bin/ptlist.phtml?Category=191,查閱日期:2012/10/02。Taiwan's Election and Democratization Study. 2012. "2009 nian zhi 2012 nian 'taiwan xuanju yu minzhuhua diaocha' sannianqi yanjiu guihua(III): 2012 nian zongtong yu lifa weiyuan xuanju mianfang an" [Taiwan's Election and Democratization Study, 2009-2012(III): 2012 Presidential and Legislative Election]. (Accessed on October 2, 2012)
