  • 期刊


Friendly Healthcare for Lesbians, Gays, Bisexual, Transgender and Other Sexual Minorities (LGBT)


自從2003年起台灣追隨著聯合國推動性別主流化(gender mainstreaming)的腳步,在內政、教育、國防、醫藥、經濟、社福等領域落實具有性別敏感度的政策,初期只看到男、女兩性,後期開始擴展至同性戀、跨性別、雙性戀以及各個性少數族群。在此,我們從同志醫療人權的角度出發,希望引起醫界對這議題的重視。本文分成三大部分。首先,回答一般人對同性戀者常有的疑問,以此來協助讀者認識同志,例如:為什麼會有同志?同性戀到底和異性戀有什麼不同?同性戀等於HIV及AIDS?其次,我們以三個醫病互動的案例,說明醫師與同志互信互助的好處。最後,我們提出五個推動同志友善醫療的建議:(1)修正異性戀思維的問診風格。(2)理解同志的社會處境與次文化。(3)醫學教育、在職訓練,應納入多元性別和同志知識。(4)軟、硬體設備的新思維。(5)反思醫療資源分配與政策的執行。


同志 性別關係 友善醫療


Taiwan government has started promoting the gender mainstreaming policies since 2003. It aims to implement gender-sensitive policies in the areas of internal affairs, education, national defense, medicine, economics and social welfare. It focused on men and women in early stage, and extended to lesbians, gays, bisexual, transgender and other sexual minorities (LGBT). As this article is concerned about the right for LGBT that enjoying friendly healthcare is the basic human right, and expected to attract more discussion on the issue from the medical professionals. There are three sections: first, a set of Q & A discussing requently asked questions, such as, why there are LGBT? How different is homosexual? Are homosexuals the carriers of HIV/AIDS? We then give three cases to illustrate the mutual benefit that physicians and patients can have if they trust each other. Finally, we provide five suggestions to promote LGBT friendly healthcare. (1) Modifying the attitude and methods in collecting the patient history and don't base only on heterosexual culture. (2) Understanding the situation and sub-culture of LGBT. (3) The knowledge of Multi-gender and LGBT should be included in medical education and professional training. (4) A new way for designing software and hardware in hospital. (5) Be more reflective on allocating medial resources and policies implementation.


LGBT gender relations friendly healthcare



