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Planning and Designing a Curriculum in Clinical Reasoning




Clinical reasoning is pivotal to a clinical education program. Planning a curriculum in clinical reasoning should be based on learning and teaching principles. Current theories of understanding clinical reasoning process and modern teaching approaches should be applied to the design of the curriculum. Teaching clinical reasoning begins with inspiring and motivating students towards active learning. Clinical reasoning is developed through the experiences gained and knowledge acquired by directly engaging in patient care activities. A modern clinical reasoning curriculum should be designed according to the experience of target learners' levels. It is suggested to tailor approaches of teaching clinical reasoning to preclinical students and to those learners at the clinical medical education level, including clinical medical students and residents. In addition, a curriculum for practicing physicians requires special considerations to meet their needs. Because of lacking clinical experience among preclinical students, the teaching approaches are case-based, using typical presentations of common diseases in classroom settings. For clinical medical students and residents, learning clinical reasoning is patient-based in the workplace, with emphasis on advanced clinical content such as atypical presentations of common disorders and uncommon clinical entities.


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